

单词 better¹
释义 bet·ter¹ /ˈbetə(r)/ a. | ad. | n. | vt. | vi. | v. aux. | phr.
I a.
(good 和 well 的比较级)

1. (在质量、品德或技术等方面)更好的
This is good but that is better. 这个好,可是那个更好。
a better wine 一种更好的酒
He is a better man than his father. 他为人比他父亲好。
2. 更适当的;更有效的;更使人满意的,更称心的
This medicine is better for bronchitis. 这种药治支气管炎疗效更好。
3. 健康状况有所好转的;健康恢复的
Is he better today? 他今天好些吗?
Now that he is better he can play football again. 他已痊愈,又可以踢足球了。
4. 超过一半的;较大的
the better part of a year 大半年
the better part of the guests 大多数来宾
The watch cost the better part of his pay. 买这只表花了他大部分工资。
He was thought to have a better right to the throne than his brother. 他被认为比他的兄弟更有权利继承王位。

II ad.
(well 的比较级)

1. 更好地;更适当地
He sings better than I do. 他唱得比我好。
He tilted his head the better to see her face. 他歪着头以便更好地看清她的脸容。
Some things are better left unsaid. 有些事情以不说为好。
2. 较大程度地,更
This cap fits you better. 这顶帽子对你更合适。
He is now better able to cope with his task than before. 对于工作他现在比过去更胜任了。
The better I know him the more I admire his abilities. 我越是了解他,就越钦佩他的才能。
turn out better-qualified graduates in all fields 在各个学科领域培养出更合格的毕业生
3. (于) (than)
better than a year 一年多
It is better than nine miles to the nearest shop. 最近的商店离这儿9英里多。
He was a big man, six feet or better by my estimate. 他是个彪形大汉,据我估计,身高在6英尺或6英尺以上。

III n.
1. (人或事物)较好者,较优越者
Which is the better of these two pens? 这两枝钢笔哪一枝较好?
That's a fine horse; I shan't get a better in a hurry. 那是一匹骏马,我一时难以找到比它更好的。
He is my better. 他比我高明。
2. [betters] 上司们
You're my elders and betters; I was obliged to come when you sent for me. 你们是我的长辈和上级;你们叫我来,我不能不来。

IV vt.
1. 改善;改进;提高
better the relations between the two countries 改善两国之间的关系
better the lot of slum dwellers 改善贫民区居民的处境
His performance as Hamlet could not have been bettered. 他扮演哈姆雷特,好得不能再好了。
2. 超过,胜过
better a record 刷新纪录
Living conditions have bettered a great deal. 生活条件已大有改善。
Things have bettered since yesterday. 从昨天起形势已有所好转。
v. aux.
应该,还是…好 (= had better)
You better come back. 你还是回来好。
[<ME bettre<OE betera]
phr. Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好。
better off 1. 境况好起来,生活优裕起来;[the better off] 境况较好的人们,较为富有的人们
Since my husband was made the manager, we are better off. 自从我的丈夫被任命为经理以来,我们的境况好转了。
They have to pay out more of their income in rates than the better off. 比起较为富裕的人们来,他们反而得把更多的收入用在纳税上。
2. 较自在;较幸运;较幸福
I was better off going alone. 我独自去反而自在一些。
You're better off at that hotel; they're civil to you in there. 你住在那个旅馆里比较幸运,那里的人礼貌待客。
That seriously ill dog would be better off dead. 那条患着重病的狗还是死了好。
better oneself 1. 改善自己的地位(或经济状况)
2. 提高自己的文化水平
better (to be) safe than sorry 见 safe
better than one's word 比答应的还要好
better the devil you know than the devil you don't know 宁可跟熟识的魔鬼打交道
for better (or) for worse (或 for better or worse) 不管是好是歹,不论是福是祸;不管(结果)怎样
He has resolved to take her for better or for worse. 不论是福是祸,他决心娶她为妻。
Most leave-takings—for better or worse — are temporary affairs. 不管怎样,大多数的告别只是暂别。
for the better 向着较好的情况(转变);为了取得更好的结果
His health has changed for the better. 他的健康状况已有好转。
make alterations for the better in the design of a house 修改房屋的设计使之更趋完善
get the better of 战胜;在…中占上风
get the better of a rival 挫败对手
He tried to get the better of his sleepiness. 他试图克服自己的睡意。
My curiosity got the better of me. 我克制不住自己的好奇心。
She always gets the better of these arguments. 她在这类争论中总是占上风。
go one better 1. 出价超过对手
2. 更胜一筹;超过过去的成绩;胜过(某人)
The painting is so well done that one chokes back the wish to go one better. 这幅画画得好到使人不敢作更胜一筹之想。
We won 3-2 in the semi-final and hope to go one better in the finals. 我们在半决赛中以3比2获胜,希望在决赛中更上一层楼。
They went us one better by winning the championship. 他们获得冠军,比我们更胜一筹。
had better 应该;还是…好
We had better be off. 我们该走了。
I don't think we'd better discuss it any more. 我认为我们不该再讨论这事。
You'd better not say that. 那话你还是不说为好。
You hadn't better go home. 你还是不回家好。
Hadn't you better take an umbrella with you? 你带一把伞去不是更好吗?
have the better of = get the better of
know better (than) 见 know
no better than 1. 实际上和…一样
He is no better than a thief. 他简直是个贼。
2. 仅仅
The settlement is considered to be no better than fair. 那样的解决被认为不过如此而已。
no better than one should be 水性杨花,行为不规矩
think (all) the better of 对…有较高的评价,对…有较好印象
think better of 见 think




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