释义 |
re·viv·al /rɪˈvaɪvəl/ n. 1. 苏醒;复苏;复活 on one's revival from the swoon 在昏厥后苏醒过来之时 2. (精力、活力等的)重振;(健康、生机等的)恢复 an amazing revival after one's operation 手术后令人惊异的迅速恢复 3. 复兴;重新流行 the late nineteenth century Catholic revival in England 19世纪末天主教在英国的复兴 a revival of interest in the supernatural 对超自然现象兴趣的重新勃兴 economic revival 经济复兴 a revival of world trade 世界贸易的重新活跃 4. (旧剧等的)重演;(旧片的)重映;(系列节目的)重播 a workaday revival 枯燥无味的旧戏重演 be off at some movie revival 去看某部重新上映的旧影片 sit through the double features of revivals 坚持看完重新上映的两部联放旧故事片 5. 【宗】奋兴(期);奋兴会,奋兴布道会 6. 【律】(契约等的)重新生效,再生效 |