释义 |
re·view /rɪˈvjuː/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 复习,温习 review the day's lessons 复习当天的功课 2. 细察,纵览,详检,审核 review the results of the study 检验研究成果 review a contract 审查一项合同 By law, state pensions must be reviewed once a year. 根据法律规定,国家养老年金必须每年审核一次。 3. 亦作 /ˈriːvjuː/再考察;重新勘察 review the scene of crime 重新勘察犯罪现场 4. 回顾,检讨;复查;【律】复审 review the past 回顾过去 review the latest developments 回顾最近的事态发展 We'll review the situation at the end of the month. 我们将于月底检讨局势。 review all drugs marketed in the city 复查在全市上市销售的所有药品 Superior courts may review decisions of lower courts. 高级法院可复审下级法院的判决。 5. 检阅 The general reviewed his troops. 将军检阅他的部队。 review a fleet 检阅一支舰队 6. (尤指在报刊著文或在电视、电台发表谈话)评论(作品等) His new novel has been favourably reviewed. 他的新小说受到了好评。 ❷ vi. 1. 复习功课,温习功课 review for a test 复习功课准备测验 2. 评论;写评论文章
II n. 1. 复习,温习 a general review 总复习 review exercises 复习题 2. 细察,纵览,详检,审核 These arrangements are subject to periodic reviews. 这几项安排每隔一定时间须予检查。 3. 回顾,检讨;复查;【律】复审 A brief review of the situation will help put the issue in perspective. 简要回顾一下形势将有助于对问题的正确认识。 the year in review 全年述评 The leaders conducted a bitter review of their debacle. 领导人们对他们的惨败进行了一次沉痛的检讨。 4. (军事)检阅;阅兵(式) hold a naval (an air, an army) review 举行海上(空中,陆军)阅兵式 5. 评论;评论文章;(时事、新书等的)评论杂志 His performance got mixed reviews. 他的演出所得评论毁誉参半。 a closely printed journal bursting with book reviews 充斥着书评文字排得密密麻麻的杂志 write reviews for the monthly magazines 为月刊写评论文章 a review copy of a book (出版者给杂志编辑)供评论用的赠阅本 6. = revue 7. (录音机的)回放功能 [< MFr revue < revoir to see again < L revidere < RE- + VIEW] phr. be (come, keep) under review 在 (开始,继续)被审核 (或检讨)The draft board's decision is not under review here. 征兵局的决定未在这儿审查。 Security had been strengthened and would be kept under close and continuous review. 保安工作加强了,而且保安问题将不间断地受到严密的检查。 The whole question of the allocation of resources will come under review next week. 有关资源分配的全部问题下周将行审核。 come up for review 被提交审核;交付检讨 pass in review 1. (使)列队经过接受检阅 2. 逐项审核;一一检讨 pass one's life in review 一幕幕详尽回顾自己的一生 re·view·a·bil·i·tyrɪˌvjuːəˈbɪlətɪ n. |