rev·er·ie /ˈrevərɪ/ n. | vt. & vi. I n. 1. (尤指企求好东西的)幻想;白日梦 have a reverie about the delicious nuts 幻想着美味果仁 indulge in reveries about the future 沉溺于对未来的想入非非 2. 沉思;出神 be lost in (a) reverie 陷入沉思 come out of one's reverie with a start 从出神遐思中惊醒过来 listen in a kind of reverie 出神地听 3. 〈古〉奇想;妄想 The mayor's plan is pure reverie. 市长的计划纯属虚妄空想。 4. 【音】梦幻曲,幻想曲 II vt. & vi. 幻想;沉思;饶有兴味地回想 [OFr, 原义: raving, delirium < rever to dream, wander]