释义 |
re·trench /rɪˈtrentʃ,riː-/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 削减;减去;紧缩;〈主澳〉裁减(员工) retrench one's travelling expenses 削减旅费 retrench a year from the established period 从确定的期限内减去1年 2. 〈口〉删除;节略(章节等) retrench a long speech 删节长篇演说 retrench an offending paragraph from an article 删除文章中一段会得罪人的文字 3. 【军】筑二道防御工事于(城堡等),在…构筑内工事 ❷ vi. 削减费用 retrench visibly in expenditure 明显地紧缩开支 You must retrench to keep out of debt. 你必须节省以免负债。 [< OFr retrenchier < RE- + trenchier to cut < L truncāre to lop; 见 TRENCH] |