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ret·i·cent /ˈretɪsənt/ a. 1. 沉默寡言的,缄默的;不情愿谈的;说话有保留的 (on, upon, about) be reticent on money matters 对钱财方面的事情保持沉默 The government has been reticent about how it would deal with the economic crisis. 政府对于将如何处理经济危机一直闭口不谈。 be reticent with sb. 对某人说话有保留 2. (艺术风格、表达形式等)有节制的 The room has an aspect of reticent dignity. 这房间看上去素雅而庄严。 [< L reticēre to keep silent < RE- + tacēre to be silent] |