

单词 respond
释义 re·spond /rɪˈspɒnd/ vi. | vt. | n.
I vi.
1. 作答,回答
respond negatively to a question 对问题作否定的回答
respond to a speech of welcome 对欢迎辞致答辞
respond by posing another question 以另外提出一个问题作答
The crowd waved and the liner responded with a blast on its siren. 人群挥手相送,大客轮鸣响汽笛作答。
2. (会众)应答,唱和
The priest said “The Lord be with you,” and the congregation responded, “And also with you.” 教士说:“耶和华必与你们同在,”会众应答道:“也必和你同在。”
3. 作出反应;响应
The most serious politicians are those who respond the readiest to change. 最严肃的政治家乃是能随时对变革作出最迅速反应的人们。
The government responded to pressure and dropped the proposal. 政府感受到压力之后撤销了那项提议。
respond to an insult with a left-hander 挥左拳打人以回应侮辱
Tall reeds responded to the spanking breeze. 高高的芦苇在劲风中摇曳。
He liked the children, and they responded to him. 他喜欢孩子们,孩子们也都听他的。
He loved the theatre, and responded to a fine play. 他爱好戏剧,看到一出好戏就发生共鸣。
4. 有反应;(对驾驭、操纵等)作出灵敏反应
The patient failed to respond to the medicine. 病人服了这药未见起色。
Her troubles aren't really unusual. They respond to treatment. 她的病实际上并不特别,是治得好的。
This horse responds to the bridle. 这匹马听话好驾驭。
The pilot said the plane did not respond to the controls. 飞行员说这架飞机对操纵系统反应不灵敏。
5. 承担责任
respond in damages 对损失负责
6. (桥牌中对同伴叫牌)作应叫
7. 相当(to)
1. 以…回答;以…应答
He responded yes to both questions. 他对两个问题都作了肯定的回答。
2. 以…应叫
respond Two Clubs 以2梅花应叫

II n.
1. (会众对牧师的)应答,唱和
2. 壁联(用作拱支座的墩式壁柱)
[< OFr respondre < L rēspondēre to return like for like < RE- + spondēre to pledge; 见 SPOUSE, SPONSOR]




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