释义 |
re·pent¹ /rɪˈpent/ vi. | vt. | phr. ❶ vi. 1. 悔悟,悔改;【宗】忏悔(of) repent of one's sins 忏悔自己的罪孽 2. 后悔,懊悔(of) You shall repent. 你会后悔的。(注意:语气带威胁) repent of a thoughtless act 对轻率的举动感到后悔 3. 改变主意 I think I will repent and stay another day. 我想我还是改变主意,再呆上一天吧。 ❷ vt. 1. 悔悟,悔改;【宗】忏悔 repent one's crimes before a priest 向教士忏悔罪行 2. 对…感到后悔,追悔 Bitterly did we repent our decision. 我们对我们的决定后悔已极。 repent one's early love 悔不该有那早年的爱情 3. 〈古〉[作反身动词,后接代词宾格作宾语,或用 it 作主语]使悔悟;使忏悔;使后悔 I now repent me. 我后悔。 It repented me my former sins. 我忏悔过去的罪孽。 It repents me that I did it. 我悔不该做这事。 [< OFr repentir < RE- + pentir to be contrite < L paenitēre to repent] phr. Marry in haste and repent at leisure. 见 haste |