

单词 repeat
释义 re·peat /rɪˈpiːt/ vt. | vi. | n. | a. | phr.
I vt.
1. 重复;重做;重说
Jenny's blood test was repeated three times. 詹妮的血液检查重复做了3次。
He doesn't want to repeat the mistake of his first marriage. 他不想重蹈第一次婚姻的覆辙。
repeat a remark for emphasis 重复一句话以示强调
He repeated several times that he was busy. 他再三再四说他很忙。
“It was stupid of me,” she kept repeating. “我真傻,”她不住重复着说。
2. 复述,背诵
repeat a poem (prayer) 背诵一首诗(一段祷文)
3. 照着说,跟着说;照着写,跟着写
Repeat the following words after me. 跟着我念下面这些词。
4. 把…讲出去,把…对别人说
repeat a secret 把秘密讲出去
Please do not repeat what I have just told you. 请不要把我刚才告诉你的话对别人说。
5. 重演;重播;使再现;再经历
This programme is being repeated on Channel 5 tonight. 这档节目今夜将在5频道重播。
Her good looks were repeated in her only daughter. 她的美貌再现于她的独生女儿。
The equivalent of the accident was never repeated on the road. 这条路上再也没有出过这样的事故。
6. 重读,重修
He had to repeat the fourth grade. 他读四年级时留级一年。
7. 再次供应(货物、定货)
We regret that we cannot repeat this article (order). 敝号无法再次供应此项货物(定货),甚憾。
1. 重复;重做;重说
The last figure repeats. 末位数是循环的。
Experiences repeat. 经历是会重复的。
That record will not, (I) repeat, will NOT be blemished. 那项记录不容——(我)再说一遍——断不容遭到污损。
2. (在选举中违法)重复投票
Registration of voters is designed to avoid repeating. 选民登记意在防止重复投票。
3. (吃下的食物)在口中留下余味
Onions repeat on me. 吃过洋葱我嘴里留有余味。
4. (时钟等)连打(指重复敲响刚敲过的时刻)(武器等)连发
5. 再次成功;(尤指比赛中)蝉联冠军

II n.
1. 重复;重做;重说
Today's lecture was an exact repeat of yesterday's. 今天讲课的内容不折不扣是昨天的重复。
2. 重复的行动(或言辞);重演的事物;(应观众或听众要求的)重演;(无线电、电视的)重播节目
I'm tired of seeing all these repeats on television. 我讨厌看所有这些重播的电视节目。
3. 复写;复制(品);副本
4. 反复部分;反复记号
5. (同样货物的)再次订购;再次供应

III a.
give (或 put on) a repeat performance 重演
repeat buyers of Swedish imports 瑞典进口货的重购主顾
prepare for anticipated repeat orders 准备好办理预期的重复订货
He went back to prison as a repeat offender. 他作为累犯又入狱了。
[< OFr repeter < L repetere < RE- + petere to seek]
phr. and repeat 以及原路回程
Trotting horses shall be tested in harness, by going at least one mile and repeat. 快步马将套上马具至少跑出1英里并打个来回以作测试。
not bear repeating (因用词污秽等而)不可复述,不堪重复
His language won't bear repeating. 他语言之恶劣使人无法启口复述。
repeat oneself 重复;重演
People tend to repeat themselves when they are speaking spontaneously. 人们在即兴说话时往往翻来覆去表达思想。
The old man was very stubborn and did not like to repeat himself. 那老人很固执,说过的话不肯重复。
He wrote innumerable songs without ever repeating himself. 他写了无数的歌曲,从来不重复。
History never repeats itself exactly. 历史从不会不折不扣地重演。




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