释义 |
ren·der /ˈrendə(r)/ vt. | vi. | n. I ❶ vt. 1. 使得,使成为 The blow rendered him unconscious. 这一击把他打得失去了知觉。 The tone rendered the statement an insult. 说话用这种调子听起来使人感到受辱。 Millions of people were rendered partially or wholly destitute during the war. 战争期间,数以百万计的人民都沦落到啼饥号寒或一贫如洗的地步。 I rejected his advice in terms which rendered it impossible for him to address me again. 我拒绝了他的劝告,而我所用的措辞使得他再也不可能对我说话了。 2. 给予;提供 render aid (或 assistance) 给予援助 She needed him to hear her out and render advice. 她需要他把话听完并提出意见。 If we can at any time render you a similar service, we shall be glad to do so. 无论什么时候能帮你办类似这样的事,我们将乐于效劳。 He has rendered a major disservice to our cause of plain English. 他给我们为之奋斗的目标,即简洁平易的英语,帮了一个大大的倒忙。 3. 付给;交纳;【英史】(向封建主)纳(贡) render sb. his due reward 付给某人应得的报酬 ask much of a servant and render little 要仆人做很多事而付很少钱 render a tax (rent) 交纳税款(租金) The conquered rendered tribute to the conqueror. 被征服者向征服者纳贡。 4. 提出;发出;呈报;汇报 render one's reason 提出理由 He has a bill to render for $3000. 他有一笔3000美元的账款要收。 render accounts at the first of the month 每月1号发出结欠清单 render an account of one's actions 汇报本人所做的事情 5. 交出;舍弃 render one's sword to the victor 向胜利者交剑投降 render oneself up to the conqueror 把自己交由征服者发落 render one's life for a cause 为事业献出自己的生命 render up a town to the insurgents 将一座城镇丢弃给叛军 6. 说出,道出 The islanders do not render up their knowledge easily to strangers. 岛民们不轻易向陌生人说出他们所知道的情况。 People gathered on the mountain to render up their prayers to the gods. 人们聚集在山上向上苍诸神祈祷。 7. 交回,归还 render the bodies of the dead to the earth 让死者的遗体复归尘土 render back another's gift 交还别人的礼物 8. 以…回报 render good for evil 以德报怨 render thanks for sb.'s favour 感谢某人的恩惠 9. 正式作出(判决等),宣布(定见等);下达 The jury rendered a verdict of guilty. 陪审团作出有罪裁决。 render (a) judgment on (或 upon) sb. 对某人宣判 10. 显示,表示 render attention 显示出全神贯注的样子 render obedience to sb. 对某人表示顺从 11. (尤指以文字、绘画)表现,描绘 In English the future tense is often rendered by means of auxiliaries. 在英语中将来时常用助动词来表现。 12. 对(绘画主题等)作艺术处理;以艺术形式表述;表演,扮演;演诵(诗歌等);演奏 The dramatist's conception was well rendered. 剧作家的构思得到了出色的表述。 Ah Q was well (poorly) rendered by him. 阿Q被他演得活龙活现(演砸了)。 The quartet was rendered beautifully. 四重奏演奏得优美动听。 13. 翻译,移译 Poetry can never be adequately rendered in another language. 诗从来不能充分等值地译成另一种文字。 The play was badly rendered into Chinese. 这个剧本译成汉语译得很糟。 14. 把(计划中的建筑物)绘成透视图;绘(透视图) 15. 履行,实施;做…动作 render justice 执法 render a salute 敬一个礼 16. 熬化;熬炼…成油;从…中熬油 render down wax (lard) 熬化蜂蜡(猪油) render garbage 从垃圾中提取油 17. 【建】给…抹灰打底,渲染 render a wall with cement 用水泥在墙上抹底灰 18. 【计】给…着色(或润色) ❷ vi. 1. 报偿;酬报 Render to a man according to his work. 要按劳付酬。 2. (从脂肪等)熬油
II n. 1. (抹在砖石墙等上的)底灰,底泥,底层 2. 【英史】(以钱、物、劳役等形式向封建主缴纳的)进贡 [< OFr rendre < ? VL rendere, 变体 < L reddere to give back < RE- + dare to give] |