

单词 rend
释义 rend /rend/ vt. | vi. | phr. (rent /rent/)

1. (用力)撕裂,扯碎
rend sth. apart (或 asunder) 把某物撕裂开
The tiger rent the deer to (或 in) pieces. 老虎把鹿撕成碎块。
The buildings were rent by the earthquake. 一幢幢房屋经过地震都成了颓垣断壁。
2. (因痛苦、愤怒、失望等)揪扯(自己衣服或头发)
She wept and rent her garments (hair). 她哭泣着并用手揪扯自己的衣服(头发)
3. 分裂,使分崩离析
a nation rent by civil war 一个因内战而分裂的国家
The coalition of centre-right parties is rent by dissension between its two leaders. 中间党派和右翼党派的联盟由于联盟的两位领导人之间的争吵而处于分崩离析状态。
4. 强行夺去,抢走;(用力)摘下,撕下 (off, away)
a province rent from the empire 被从帝国版图中强行分割出去的一个省份
The cruel soldiers were rending babies from their mothers' arms. 残暴的士兵正从母亲们的怀抱中夺走一个个婴儿。
He rent off a ripe fruit from the tree. 他从树上摘下一只熟果子。
rend away the lacing from a military uniform 撕下军服上的饰带
5. (声音等)刺破,划破
a roar that rends the air (或 skies) 划破长空的一声轰鸣
The serenity was rent with war whoops. 战斗的呐喊打破了四下的宁静。
They rent the night with the sound of drums and trumpets. 鼓角齐鸣,他们打破了夜的沉静。
6. 困扰,使烦恼;撕裂(心)
a mind rent by doubt 一颗为疑虑困扰的心
It rent his heart to witness her sorrow. 看到她悲悲戚戚的样子,他的心碎了。
1. 撕裂,扯碎
2. 破裂,分裂
I got hold of her blouse, and it rent. 我一把抓住她的衬衫,衬衫被撕破了。
His shoes are going to rend. 他的鞋就要裂开了。
The Conservative Party will rend into several factions. 保守党将分裂成几个派系。
[< OE rendan; 与 OFris renda to tear, Sans randhra hole 有关]
phr. turn and rend 翻脸辱骂




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