

单词 remembrance
释义 re·mem·brance /rɪˈmembrəns/
1. 回想;回忆起的往事
Remembrance of the offence angered him all over again. 回想起那次冒犯他又怒火中烧。
I have many happy (或 pleasant) remembrances of our days together. 我有许多对我们共处时光的愉快回忆。
2. 记忆;记忆力,记性
That matter has escaped my remembrance. 那事我已记不得了。
I have no (only a dim) remembrance of how the day was passed. 我一点也记不起(只是依稀记得)那一天是怎么度过的。
Occupation troops put them in remembrance of their defeat. 占领军使他们时时记起他们所遭受的失败。
He wrote largely from remembrance. 他主要凭记忆写作。
His remembrance is poor (或 weak). 他的记忆力不好。
3. 纪念,怀念
a pillar in remembrance of the exploit 表彰辉煌业绩的纪念柱
The country holds him in grateful remembrance. 全国人民怀着感激之情缅怀他。
a garden of remembrance (尤指阵亡将士的)纪念陵园
a remembrance wreath 纪念花圈
4. 纪念品,纪念物;纪念活动
I took the photos as a pictorial remembrance of the trip. 我拍了照片,作为对那次旅行以图片保存的纪念。
He keeps a Bicentennial passport as a remembrance. 他保存了一张美国建国200周年时的护照作为纪念。
The wreck of the vessel is a remembrance of the war. 这艘沉船的遗骸是那次战争的纪念物。
5. [remembrances] (托他人转达的)问候,问好
Give my remembrances to your parents. 代我向你父母问候。




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