

单词 remain
释义 re·main /rɪˈmeɪn/ vi. | phr.
1. 留下;逗留;停留;被遗留
remain at home 留在家里
remain in one's seat 留在座位上
Some students offered to remain behind to help clear up after the meeting. 有几名学生表示愿意在散会以后留下来帮助打扫。
They remained a long while, three years. 他们逗留了好长时间,有3年之久。
remain in Shanghai for another three days 在上海再逗留3天
A red gleam flashed at me, vanished, came into view again, and remained. 只见红光在我眼前一闪便消失了,接着再度显现,之后便停留不动了。
The luggage unfortunately remained on the platform. 倒霉的是行李被遗忘在车站月台上了。
2. [作连系动词,多后接补足语]保持不变
remain silent 保持沉默
He ate much but remained lean. 他吃得很多,可依旧很瘦。
remain lost in thought 陷入久久的沉思
remain in power (force) 继续执政(生效)
Her husband remained standing. 她丈夫一直站着。
A nonracial society remains my goal. 无种族歧视的社会一直是我奋斗的目标。
She did not remain anything like faithful to him. 她后来对他就根本谈不上什么忠贞不渝了。
I remain yours truly. 敬启(信尾署名前用语,现远不如 Yours truly 常见)
The fact remains that the annual loss of life on the world's roads is enormous. 事实仍是每年在全世界公路上丧生的数字巨大。
She remains as she was. 她还是从前那样。
3. 剩余;余留
If you take 4 from 6, 2 remains. 6 减 4 余 2。
Of the 7 brothers only 4 now remain; the rest are dead. 7兄弟中现在只剩下4个;其他3个死了。
There are few pleasures that remain to an old man. 人老了,剩下没有多少可以享受的乐趣了。
It only remains for me to say that... 余下的我只好说…了。
By Wednesday, the sore throat was gone but the fever remained. 到了星期三,喉痛消失了,但热度还不退。
This completed the demolition of what remained of the religious element in his attitude towards life. 这一下彻底摧毁了他人生观中尚存的宗教因素。
4. [后接不定式]留待,尚待
It remains to her to do it. 这且留待她去做吧。
The outcome remains to be seen. 结果如何尚待以后见分晓。
It remains to be seen whether they would want to meet him. 他们是否希望同他见面,尚待以后见分晓。
Much remains to be settled. 有待解决的事情还很多。
Worse things remain to be told. 更糟的事情留待以后再告。
5. (最后)取决于;(最后)属于(with)
The decision remains with the Government. 决定权在于政府。
The victory remained with the Thebans. 胜利属于底比斯人。
[< OFr remaindre < L remanēre to be left < RE- + manēre to stay]
phr. remain behind 见 behind
remain in 呆在屋里
remain on 保持不变,维持下去
remain out 呆在户外
remain up 过了睡觉时间还不睡




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