

单词 relish
释义 rel·ish /ˈrelɪʃ/ n. | vt. | vi.
I n.
1. 滋味;好味道,美味
Hunger gives relish to simple food. 饿的时候吃家常食物也会津津有味。
Meat has no relish when one is ill. 人一生病肉也没味了。
2. 独特的滋味;风味
a relish of garlic in the stew 炖肉中的蒜香
3. 调味品,佐料;开胃品;拼盘
a spoonful of relish 一匙佐料
She busied herself adding more relish to her hamburger. 她忙着给自己的汉堡包多加些佐料。
Try some of this relish with your pie. 吃馅饼时不妨试加一点这佐料。
pickles, peppers and other relishes 泡菜、胡椒和其他开胃品
a relish plate 拼盆
4. 少许,些微,一点儿;含意;意味
There was a relish of malice in his speech. 他言辞中带有一点儿恶意。
5. 胃口;滋味;兴趣;兴味;爱好;饶有趣味的事物
He ate with great relish. 他吃得津津有味。
In his book he exposed with relish all the evils of the present day. 在他的书里,他饶有兴味地揭露了当代的种种邪恶。
Horseplay loses its relish after childhood. 童年一过,对打打闹闹那一套就不感兴趣了。
She took relish in showing her friends her jewelry. 她以向朋友炫示自己的珠宝首饰为乐。
The boy has no relish for sports. 这男孩不喜欢体育运动。
The danger added (a) relish to the adventure. 正因为有这种危险,探幽寻胜更添兴味。

II vt.
1. 从…得到乐趣,喜爱;爱好
relish the challenge of competition 从竞争的挑战获得乐趣
The press has portrayed him as a man who relishes a row. 报界把他描绘成一个爱争吵的人。
2. 津津有味地吃(或喝);欣赏,品味;饱尝
He is so hungry that he will relish plain food. 他饿极了,素淡饭食也会吃得津津有味。
No one will fail to relish his recent novel. 谁也不会不欣赏他新近发表的长篇小说的。
She relishes the memory of that adventure. 她常在记忆中回味那次奇遇。
He was relishing his role as an eminent guest of a head of state. 他正在品尝自己被奉为国家元首上宾这一荣誉。
He smiled, relishing his moment of command. 他微微一笑,品尝着这一刻发号施令的愉快。
3. 眼巴巴地期待,指望
He seems to relish the prospect of a battle over the issue. 看来,他正巴不得就这个问题与人论战一场。
We must remember to switch off the mains first, I don't relish getting a shock. 咱们得记住先关掉总开关,我可不希望触电!
Having just come back home, she did not relish the idea of going out. 刚刚回得家来,她不想出去。
4. 给…加佐料;使有滋味
Hunger will relish the plainest food. 肚子饿了,最粗淡的饭食也会有滋味。
1. 有特定滋味;有特定意味 (of)
The stew relishs of garlic. 炖肉有蒜味。
relish well (badly) 味道好(不好)
His style relishes perhaps too much of schoolroom. 他的文章风格似乎学究味太重了一些。
2. 味道可口
make the food more relishing 把食物做得更可口
[< OFr reles something remaining < relaisser to leave behind; 见 RELEASE]




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