

单词 relieve
释义 re·lieve /rɪˈliːv/ vt. | vi. | phr.
1. 缓解,减轻;解除;使得到解脱
Aspirin will usually relieve a headache. 阿司匹林常可缓解头痛。
The passengers swallow to relieve the pressure on their eardrums. 乘客们张嘴做吞咽动作,以减轻耳鼓所承受的压力。
He smoked frequently to relieve nervous tension. 他一支接一支频频抽烟来消除神经紧张。
This relieved his anxiety (或 relieved him of anxiety). 这就解除了他的忧虑。
relieve women of their housework 使妇女从家务劳动中解脱出来
Death relieved them of their troubles. 他们一死便一了百了。
Your coming relieved me of the bother of writing you a long letter. 你来了就免得我费事给你写长信了。
I felt relieved of wanting anything I didn't truly need. 我不再贪求非我实际所需的东西,为此感到释然。
2. 帮助…卸脱(或摆脱)
May I relieve you of your coat? 允许我替您脱大衣吗?
He relieved her of the plates she was holding. 他把她手中的盘子接手拿了过去。
3. 发泄
I was, I admit, relieving my growing hostility on him. 我承认我当时是在向他发泄越来越强烈的敌意。
4. [常用被动语态]使宽心,使宽慰
We were enormously relieved to hear that you had arrived safely. 听说你已安全抵达,我们大大松了口气。
I felt much relieved at the news. 获悉这一消息,我深感宽慰。
5. 救济;解救,救援
relieve the poor and needy 救济贫民穷人
He devotes himself to relieving the distressed. 他致力于救济受苦的人。
relieve the trapped coal miners 营救被困在井下的煤矿工人
relieve a besieged city 解救被围危城
6. 接替,替下;(尤指以人接替而)解除…的职务;革除
John relieved Jack at the door. 约翰接替杰克在门口值班。
relieve a nurse for lunch 换下值班护士让她去吃午饭
The man I was relieving in the observation post was impatient when I arrived. 在观察哨等我换班的那个士兵在我到达的时候显得不耐烦了。
relieve a pitcher 换下一名投手
He was relieved of his command by the committee. 委员会释了他的兵权。
7. 使得到调剂,使不单调
We play cards to relieve our tedium. 我们玩纸牌作为调剂。
To relieve the unbroken twelve hours of flying, the airline provides a feature in the cabin. 为了使连续12小时的飞行不致单调乏味,航空公司在机舱里给旅客放一部故事影片。
The formality of his dark business suit was relieved by a light-coloured tie and grey shoes. 他那一身深色的常服配上浅色的领带和灰色的皮鞋就显得不那么一本正经了。
8. 使凸起成浮雕;(通过对照)使呈鲜明突出
A black sash relieves a white gown. 白色的长袍配上黑色的腰带益显洁白。
His tall figure was relieved against the blue sky. 他那高大的身躯在蓝天的背景前显得十分突出。
9. 从…偷取
He was relieved in Las Vegas of a gold watch. 他在赌城拉斯韦加斯被人偷去一块金表。
10. (以法律补救方法)免除…的负担;纠正…的冤屈
Her father was thereby relieved of the responsibility of her education. 他的父亲因而被免除了负担她受教育的责任。
11. (油箱、锅炉等)释压;使卸载
1. 缓解,减轻;解救
2. (通过对照)呈鲜明突出
3. 当替补投手
He relieved in the game for the Red Team last Saturday. 上周六比赛时他为红队当替补投手。
[<OFr relever < L relevāre to lift up, relieve < RE- + levāre to lighten²]
phr. relieve nature 见 nature
relieve oneself 排泄,方便
She was upset when she saw him relieving himself in the street. 看到他在大街上小便她大为反感。
The cat learned to go down into the alley to relieve itself in the dirt there. 那猫儿学会了到下面小巷的泥地里撒尿拉屎。
relieve one's feelings 见 feeling




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