释义 |
re·lief¹ /rɪˈliːf/ n. | a. | phr. I n. 1. (痛苦、紧张、忧虑、负担等的)缓解,减轻;解除;税收减免 a medication for relief of sunburn 防晒伤药 The doctor's immediate aim is the relief of pain. 医生第一步要做到的是解除痛苦。 To me, their visits were a relief from loneliness. 对我来说,他们的来访解我寂寞。 Relief on taxes (或 Tax relief) was offered to many wage earners. 对工薪阶层的许多职工都给予减税照顾。 2. (痛苦、忧虑等消除后感到的)轻松,宽心,宽慰 The news brought a sense of relief. 消息给人们带来宽慰感。 breathe (或 heave) a sigh of relief 如释重负地松一口气 The envoy left for home with evident relief. 使者动身回国时宽慰的心情溢于言表。 You are safe! What a relief! 你平安无事,这样大家就放心啦! It may be a relief to know that the new design meets all these requirements. 新方案符合所有这些要求,了解这一点或许会使人觉着宽慰。 When he woke, he was drenched in the sweat of relief that it was only a dream. 他浑身汗淋淋地惊醒过来,发觉只是一场梦而松了口气。 3. 救济;补助;解救,救援,解围 Workers in very dusty areas are given extra wages for nutritional relief. 在多尘埃地区工作的工人被给予附加工资作为营养补助。 The reinforcements were sent to the relief of a besieged town. 增援部队被派去解救被围困的城镇。 4. 救济物品;救济金 famine (flood) relief 饥荒(水灾)救济物资 provide relief for refugees 给难民发放救济品 5. (对单调或紧张的)调剂;消遣 stretches of desert without relief 大片大片清一色的沙漠 A comic scene follows by way of relief. 随后便是一个作为调剂的喜剧场面。 Shakespeare put funny scenes into his serious plays to provide a little light relief. 莎士比亚在他的严肃正剧中穿插诙谐场面,以使观众得到一点轻松的调剂。 We have no relief but in passing our evenings at cards. 我们除了晚上打牌消磨时间之外没有别的消遣。 6. = comic relief 7. 解除职务;换班;换班人 the relief of the commanding general 总司令的解职 rely on helicopters for relief of personnel 依靠直升机进行人员替换 The nurse's relief will come soon. 接班的护士马上就来了。 We explained our duties to our reliefs. 我们向我们的接班人交代了任务。 8. 【英史】(封建主下属的继承人在继承遗产时向封建主上缴的)地产继承的献纳 9. 【律】(尤指向衡平法院提出的)司法救助,法律补救方法 He sought relief of the nuisance at the court. 他向法院要求司法救助,排除滋扰。 10. (油箱、锅炉等的)释压;卸载
II a. 1. 救济的;救援的 a relief roll (美国的)接受救济贫民名单 a relief worker 救济工作人员 a relief fund for the earthquake victims 地震灾民救济金 a relief column 救援纵队 2. 起减轻负担作用的;(临时)加班的 a relief road (或 highway) (减轻交通拥挤的)间道,辅助道 a relief bus (高峰时间缓和乘客拥挤的)临时加班公共汽车 a relief driver 加班车司机 a holiday relief doctor 节日加班医师 [OFr< relever to raise up; 见 RELIEVE] phr. (much) to sb.'s relief 使某人感到 (十分)欣慰的是 Much to my relief, he is safe now. 使我感到十分欣慰的是,他现已平安无事了。on relief 〈主美〉靠政府救济 families on relief 接受政府救济的家庭We never went on relief. 我们从未靠救济生活。to sb.'s (great) relief = (much) to sb.'s relief |