

单词 relay¹
释义 re·lay¹ /ˈriːleɪ, rɪˈleɪ/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. (赶路、捕猎或执行其他任务的马、犬等)接替的一组,替换组;驿马,驿站
get relays of horses at regular distances 每隔一定路程换一次马匹
procure relays of camels for one's baggage 弄来几匹骆驼轮流驮运行李
He chartered a relay of cars which got him to Beirut. 他租了几辆车,轮换着开,一程又一程开到了贝鲁特。
2. 新补给;再次提供的东西
bring in a relay of cakes 又端上一些糕点
The only sound was the continuous relay of bird song. 唯一的声响是一阵接一阵持续不断的鸟语。
3. 接替的一组人,替换队;接班全体;班次
New relays of men were sent to fight the flood. 一批又一批的士兵被派去抗洪。
The President would spend his mornings dictating to relays of secretaries. 总统上午的时间总是花在向轮流值班的秘书口授指示。
relays of undergraduates 一班接一班的大学本科生
The children at our school have to be fed in two relays. 本校学童只得分两批进餐。
4. 接力,接力的一段;接力传送的信件;接力赛;接力赛的一段赛程;接力传球;[relays] 接力赛运动会
a relay baton 接力棒
a school relay team 校接力队
Who won the relay? 这次接力赛谁赢了?
5. 继电器,替续器
6. 伺服电动机
7. 电信中继;中继转发的文电;中继转播的节目
a relay satellite for TV and other signals 电视及其他信号的中继卫星
listen to a relay of the concert 听音乐会的中继转播
8. relay bid

II /riːˈleɪ, ˈriːleɪ/

1. 接力传送,分程传递;传递
relay a message 一站站接力传送讯息
She had to give in as a result of pressure relayed from her relatives via her parents. 由于亲戚通过她的父母向她施加的压力,她只好屈从了。
2. 转述,转达
relay sb.'s thanks to one's father 向父亲转告某人的谢意
We had to relay what he said to his employees and then relay back to him their answer. 我们只得把他的话转告雇员们,然后再把雇员们的答复反过来告诉他。
He was in the bathroom when the call came and I had to relay the message. 电话打来时他正在浴室里,所以我只好给他传话。
He listened while people relayed stories of local corruption. 人们辗转述说当地贪赃枉法的事情,他只是听着。
3. 电信中继转发,转播
The news was relayed to distant points. 新闻向各遥远地点转发。
Communications satellites relay messages and signals from country to country. 通信卫星在国与国之间转发消息和信号。
The phone call was relayed to my office. 那个电话转接到我的办公室。
The radio concert was relayed live from the theatre. 音乐会从剧场作现场实况转播。
4. 用继电器控制(或操作)
relay a circuit (switch) 用继电器控制电路(开关)
5. 使得到替换(或补充);给…换班
6. 把…分成互为替换的班组
1. 电信中继转发,转播
2. 接力传送,分程传递
[< OFr relaier to leave behind<RE- + laier to leave<L laxāre to loosen; 见 RELAX]
phr. in (或 by) relays 以轮班方式,轮流地
work in relays all around the clock 24小时轮班工作
His questioners worked on him in relays over periods which lasted ten or twelve hours at a stretch. 审讯人员轮流对他进行审讯,一审就是10小时或者12小时。




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