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re·late /rɪˈleɪt/ vt. | vi. | phr. ❶ vt. 1. 讲,讲述;叙述 He related to us the story of his escape from the enemy. 他对我们讲了他从敌人手里脱逃的经过。 She related the experience of a Chinese girl in the United States. 她讲述了一个中国姑娘在美国的经历。 Odyssey relates the misfortunes of Odysseus after the Trojan War. 《奥德赛》叙述特洛伊战争后奥德修斯经历的种种厄运。 2. 使互相关联;证明…之间的必然联系 relate theory and practice 使理论与实践相联系 rules for relating English spelling and pronunciation 使英语拼写与读音互相联系的各种规则 relate one's work to society at large 将自己的工作与整个社会联系起来 He sought to relate poverty with crime (relate crime to poverty). 他力图证明贫穷与犯罪之间的必然联系(把犯罪归咎于贫穷)。 ❷ vi. 1. 有关联 We are interested in what relates to ourselves. 我们对与自己有关的事感到关注。 a question that relates to electricity 有关电学的一个问题 the way that words in a sentence relate to each other 句中的词互成关联的方式 2. 适用;溯及既往 The new tax law does not relate to land used for farming. 新的税法不适用于农业用地。 A will upon approval relates back to the date of testator's death. 遗嘱一经认可,其效力回溯至立遗嘱人死亡之日。 3. 适应;交融,和睦相处 a person unable to relate to his environment 一个不能适应环境的人 The generation gap makes it hard for children to relate to their parents. 代沟使得儿女们很难跟父母和睦相处。 Children need to learn to relate to other children. 儿童必须学会合群。 4. 符合,相一致 Your statement does not relate well with the facts. 你的说法和事实不太符合。 5. 发生共鸣,认同;欣赏,领略 He tried to project an image the average voter could relate to. 他想要造成一个一般选民可以认同的形象。 I can't relate to that kind of music. 我不能欣赏那种音乐。 6. 〈废〉讲述;叙述 [<L relātus<referre to carry back; 见 REFER] phr. relating to 有关,关于;涉及 pass a law relating to noise 通过一项关于噪音的法律all the documents relating to the transaction 全部有关这笔交易的单据strange (curious, horrible) to relate 说来奇怪 (有趣,骇人)Strange to relate, the giraffe has no voice. 说出来你可能不信,长颈鹿生来就没有嗓音。 re·lat·a·bil·i·tyrɪˌleɪtəˈbɪlətɪ n. |
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