

单词 refuge
释义 ref·uge /ˈrefjuːdʒ/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 躲避;避难;庇护
a harbour of refuge 避风港
Where can we find refuge from the storm? 我们可以到哪里去避避暴风雨呢?
The temperature outside was in the 90s, and people entered the refuge of air-conditioned rooms with sighs of relief. 室外气温高达90多度,人们忙不迭逃进有空调的房间才松了一口气。
For many centuries the mountain had afforded refuge to struggling farmers. 好几个世纪以来这座大山向拼搏不止的农民们提供了庇护的去处。
I ran into the refuge of the crowd. 我奔进人群以求庇护。
2. 收容所;避难所;(受虐待妇女等的)庇护所
a refuge for stray animals 迷失牲畜收容所
Churches and schools were refuges to the flood victims. 教堂和学校成了水灾灾民的收容所。
Monasteries were refuges for outlaws. 修道院曾是亡命之徒的庇护所。
3. 残遗种保护区;鸟类禁猎区
4. 庇护人;可向之求助的人;慰藉;(紧急情况下为逃脱困境施出的)权宜之计,招数,避祸法
He is the refuge of the distressed. 他是受苦受难的人们的庇护人。
He found a refuge in literature. 他在文学中寻得了慰藉。
His final refuge was a web of lies and deceit. 他的最后一招就是编造一大篇谎言,蓄意欺骗。
5. (街道中央的)避车岛,安全岛,环岛(safety island)

II vt.
[OFr<L refugium<refugere to flee away<RE- + fugere to flee]
phr. give refuge to 给予…庇护(或避难)
He gave refuge to a venerable priest during World War II. 第二次世界大战时,他庇护过一位年高德劭的教士。
seek refuge 寻求庇护;避难;躲避
He told his wife to seek refuge at a convent. 他嘱咐妻子去修道院寻求避难。
He sought refuge in flight. 他外逃避难去了。
Many editors and journalists seek refuge in silence or sycophancy. 许多编辑和记者或保持沉默或阿谀奉承以求自保。
take refuge 1. 避难;躲避;隐蔽
The frightened puppy took refuge under the bed. 受惊的小狗躲到床底下去了。
2. 求助;寻得慰藉;(以掩饰手段等)逃脱困境
He took refuge in God's omnipotence. 他求助于上帝的万能。
Accused of incompetence, he took refuge in lying. 因被人指责不称职,他便以谎言掩饰错误。




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