释义 |
re·form¹ /rɪˈfɔːm/ vt. | vi. | n. | a. I ❶ vt. 1. 改革;改良;改造(社会等) a movement to reform English spelling 改革英语拼法运动 He spent years trying to reform the world. 他花了多年时间,力图改造世界。 It is high time that the legal profession reformed itself. 法律界的自我改造此其时也。 2. 改造(人),使改过自新 He was sent to an institution organized to reform criminals. 他被送到一个犯人改造所去了。 The criminal promised to reform himself, so he was released on parole. 罪犯表示愿意改过自新,所以被假释出狱了。 3. 革除(弊病、陋习等);革除…内的弊病(或陋习) reform abuses 革除弊端 reform the government 革除政府机构内的弊病 4. 〈主美〉修订(法律等) reform a calendar 修订历法 5. 【化】重整(油、气) ❷ vi. 改正;改过自新 The ex-convict had reformed and was now a productive member of society. 那个刑满出狱的犯人已改过自新,现在成为对社会有益的公民了。
II n. 1. (社会、政治等的)改造;改革;改良 economic (tax) reform 经济(税收)改革 He intends to make several reforms in the prison system. 他打算在监狱制度方面实行一些改良。 2. (弊病、陋习等的)革除,废除 promise to bring about reforms in government 承诺革除行政管理上的种种弊病 3. 改造,改过自新 undergo reform through labour 经受劳动改造 a school for reform of young criminals 青少年犯管教所 4. [R-] = Reform Judaism 5. 〈主美〉(法律等的)修订 call for the reform of divorce laws 呼吁修订离婚法
III a. 1. 改革的;拥护改革的 the Reform Movement in 1898 in Chinese history 中国历史上的戊戌变法 2. [R-] (犹太教)改革派的 [< OFr reformer < L reformāre to form again]re·form·a·bil·i·tyrɪˌfɔːməˈbɪlətɪ n. |