释义 |
red·o·lent /ˈredəʊlənt/ a. 1. 香的,芬芳的,散发馥郁香气的 The garden was redolent after the rain. 花园在雨后散发出馥郁的香气。 2. 有(或散发出)强烈气味的 (of, with) a long trainload of pigs redolent of the sty 散发出强烈的猪圈臭气的一长列车的猪 The room was redolent with the smell of liquor. 房间里有浓烈的酒气。 3. 使人联想起…的;充满…气氛的 (of, with) The cathedral is redolent of Russia's past. 大教堂使人想起俄罗斯的过去。 an old house redolent with mystery 一幢充满神秘气氛的古宅 [<L redolens smelling (of) < redolēre giving off an odour<RED- + olēre to smell] |