释义 |
re·cu·per·ate /rɪˈkjuːpəreɪt/ vi. | vt. ❶ vi. 1. 复原,恢复;休养,将息 Her child is recuperating from the measles. 她的孩子患麻疹后正在复原。 I need time to recuperate from the shock. 我需要时间从震惊中恢复过来。 She went to the country to recuperate after her illness. 她病后去乡下休养了。 2. 挽回损失 The business has fully recuperated. 商号已完全恢复元气。 ❷ vt. 1. 使(健康、元气等)恢复 recuperate health and vigour after pneumonia 肺炎后恢复健康和元气 2. 挽回;复得;回收 He tried to recuperate his finances. 他试图挽回自己原有的财力。 recuperate waste heat to produce electric current 回收余热发电 [< L recuperāre to recover < RE- + capere to gain, take]re·cu·per·a·tionrɪˌkjuːpəˈreɪʃən n. |