

单词 record
释义 re·cord /rɪˈkɔːd/ vt. | vi. | n. | a. | phr.
I vt.
1. 记录,记下…备案
record the proceedings at a meeting 记录会议议程
The minutes recorded that there had been a heated argument. 记录表明会上曾发生一场激烈的争论。
the habit of recording events and keeping a diary 记下重大事件和写日记的习惯
It is recorded in history that... 据历史记载…
2. 登录,登记;提交(契据等)备案
record a vote 把投票结果登录在案
3. 申明…供记录在案
He spoke in favour of the bill but also said he wanted to record certain reservations. 他发言赞成该议案,但又说他要申明若干保留意见。
4. (自动仪器、仪表等)自动记录标明,标示
A seismograph records earthquakes. 地震仪能自动记录地震。
The barometer recorded a low pressure. 气压表标明有一低气压。
The thermometer records 30℃. 温度计指着30摄氏度。
Annual rings record a tree's age. 年轮标示树龄。
5. (声音、图像等)录下
record the concert on the MP3 player 把音乐会的节目录在MP3播放器上
record sb.'s voice 录下某人的声音
a recorded interview 录音采访
I don't think Paul Robeson ever recorded that song. 我不记得保尔·罗伯逊曾录制那首歌。
use a DV to record programs off the air and watch them at a later time 用数码摄像机把播放的节目录下以后再看
6. 标志,显示;表明,记明
Metal tools record a superior civilization. 金属工具是一种较高文明的标志。
The intensity of the explosion is recorded on the charred tree trunks. 爆炸的强烈程度可从这些烧焦的树干看出。
7. 吟唱;(鸟)啭鸣
8. 回忆
1. 录音;录像;记录
She spent the whole day recording. 她花了整整一天在录音(或录像)
Does this machine record well? 这台机器录音(或录像)效果好吗?
2. 可被录下
His voice does not record well. 他的声音录下来不好听。
3. 吟唱;(鸟)啭鸣

II /ˈrekɔːd;ˈrekəd/

1. 记录,记载
When I travel, I keep a record of everything that happens. 我旅行时,总是将旅途中发生的每件事都记录下来。
Historical records show that Macbeth did in fact exist. 历史记载表明麦克白确有其人。
the records of medieval life in the British Museum 不列颠博物馆保存的反映中世纪生活的文物
2. 履历,历史;成绩
He has a very distinguished record. 他一生显赫。
a Liberal voting record 一贯支持自由党的投票记录
a man with a record of instability 性格一贯软弱动摇的男子
This airline has a good (poor) safety record. 这家航空公司有很好(很差)的飞行安全记录。
He made a good record in college. 他在大学里成绩优良。
3. 前科记录
This wicked person has got a record as long as my arm. 这个邪恶之徒作奸犯科的记录有长长一大串。
a suspect with a record 有前科的嫌疑犯
4. 明证;纪念品
The First World War is a record of human folly. 第一次世界大战是人类蠢举的一个明证。
The author gave me a copy of his new novel as a record of my visit. 小说作者把一本自己的新作送给我作为我来访的纪念品。
5. 最高纪录,最佳成绩
a new record for the high jump 跳高新纪录
hold the record for running the mile 保持1英里跑步的纪录
All papers set sales records Monday. 星期一各报都创了销售数的最高纪录。
The truant boy has set a record for others who dream of evading school. 这个逃学男生为其他想逃学的学生开了一个先例。
6. 唱片;录制品
a record of Beethoven's Sixth Symphony 贝多芬《第六交响曲》唱片
play a record by the Beatles 放一张披头士乐队的唱片
cut a phonograph record 灌唱片
7. 案卷,档案;审判记录;议事录;公文书;记录凭证
the (Public) Record Office 伦敦档案局
The record of his case is in the court clerk's file. 他这案子的审判记录在法院书记官处有案可查。
8. [R-] [用作报刊名]纪事,纪录
The Weekly Record 《纪事周报》
9. 记录(指作为一个单位来处理的一组相连的数据)

III /ˈrekɔːd;ˈrekəd/

Unemployment was at a record high. 失业人数达到创纪录的高度。
The bank rate was increased to a record 8%. 银行利率提高到创纪录的8%。
a record year of sales 销售额最高的一年。
a record attendance 破纪录的出席人数
a record crop 空前大丰收
[< OFr recorder < L recordārī to remember, call to mind < RE- + cor heart, mind]
phr. be put on record = go on record
He broke the world record for (或 in) the high jump. 他打破了世界跳高纪录。
change the record 换唱片;换个题目
close the record 苏格兰(法官在审理进行至后一阶段)宣告言词辩论终结
for the record 为记录在案目的,以供备案
For the record, I am opposed to the decision taken at this meeting. 必须郑重声明,我反对这次会议所通过的决议。
get (或 keep) the record straight 把事实弄得准确无误,澄清是非
But before the discussion proceeded any further the Labour record would have to be kept straight. 不过,趁讨论还未进一步深入开展,得先把工党的真实立场说个明白。
Let's get the record straight. You say that you last saw this man on Monday? 让我们把事实弄清楚:你说你最后一次看见此人是在星期一,对吧?
go on record 公开表明观点;被记录在案以备日后查阅
The candidate for Parliament went on record as an opponent of nuclear tests. 那位议员候选人公开表明自己反对核试验的立场。
I wish to go on record as disagreeing with all these decisions. 我希望我反对所有这些决议的立场记录在案。
keep to the record 不扯到题外;不离本题
off the record不供引用的(地),不供发表的(地);非正式的(地)
My remarks are off the record. 我的话不得发表。
speak off the record 作非正式谈话
of record 有案可查的
His brilliance on the tennis court is a matter of record. 他在网球场上的不凡身手可由成绩记录证明。
a partner of record in several firms 在数家商号备案入股的合股人
on (the) record 记录在案;在历史记录中
The judge's opinion is on record. 法官的意见是记录在案的。
The police had kept his name on record. 警方已把他的名字记录在案。
This is the coldest winter on record. 这是有史以来最冷的冬天。
put on a new record = change the record
put (或 set) the record straight = get the record straight
smash the(或 a) record = break the (或 a) record
travel out of the record 扯到题外,离题




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