释义 |
re·coil /rɪˈkɔɪl/ vi. | n. I vi. 1. 弹回,跳回;产生反作用;(枪炮等)产生后坐力,反冲 The compressed spring recoiled upon release. 受压的弹簧一放开就弹回了。 The cannon recoiled when it went off. 炮弹射出时大炮反冲。 2. 退却,后退;退缩,畏缩 The advancing troops recoiled before the counterattack. 挺进的部队遭到反击后退了。 She recoiled in horror from the snake. 她看见蛇吓得直往后缩。 Parents may recoil at this kind of behaviour. 做父母的看到这种行为可能厌憎不迭。 3. 报应,回报 (on, upon) An evil deed may recoil on the head of the doer. 恶行可能会报应在作恶者自己头上。 4. 【物】反冲 5. 〈废〉堕落;退化
II /ˈriːkɔɪl,rɪˈkɔɪl/ n. 1. 弹回,跳回;(枪炮等的)后坐(力);【物】反冲 the recoil of a spring 弹簧的弹回 be bruised from rifle recoil 被步枪后坐力撞出青肿 atomic recoil 原子反冲 2. 后退;畏缩 the recoil from the rigours of Calvinism 对加尔文教派清苦生活的畏惧 the instinctive recoil at evil 对邪恶出于本能的嫌弃退避 [< OFr reculer < RE- + cul rump < L cūlus] |