释义 |
re·bound¹ /rɪˈbaʊnd,ˈriːˈb-/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr.
I ❶ vi. 1. 弹回,跳回 The ball rebounded from the opponent's racket (off the wall). 球从对手的球拍上(从墙壁)弹回。 2. 产生事与愿违的结果 (on, upon) The plan rebounded. 计划弄巧成拙。 Their evil examples would rebound on themselves. 他们作出了坏榜样,将自食其果。 Bad deeds, as well as good, may rebound upon the doer. 善有善报,恶有恶报。 3. 重新跃起,回升 His spirits rebounded. 他的精神重又振作。 Government securities rebounded yesterday after a week of steady declines. 公债持续一周下跌后于昨天回升。 The dollar rebounded strongly against the Swiss franc. 美元与瑞士法郎的比价猛烈回升。 4. (再)回响;回荡 The echoes rebounded from the faraway mountains. 阵阵回声从远山传回。 5. 【篮】抢得篮板球 rebound off the offensive board 抢得进攻篮板 6. 〈古〉跳,跃 At once with joy and fear his heart rebounds. 亦喜亦惧,他心跳不止。 ❷ vt. 1. 使弹回,使跳 2. 使回复;使回升 3. 使(再)回响 4. 【篮】抢得(篮板球) The guard rebounded the ball in backcourt. 后卫在后场抢到了篮板球。 II /ˈriːbaʊnd,rɪˈb-/ n. 1. 弹回,跳回;回复;回升 a rebound from the state of depression 从沮丧状态的重新振作 a sharp rebound in prices 行情的急遽回升 2. 【篮】篮板球;篮板球抢得;【足】门柱反弹球;门柱反弹球抢得;【冰】板墙反弹球;板墙反弹球抢得 He seized the rebound and sank the basket. 他抢得篮板球,投篮命中。 3. 【地】回跳;【心】回跳,回响
phr. on the rebound 1. 在反弹中,在弹回中 I caught the ball on the rebound. 我接住了弹回的球。 2. (尤指在失恋后)在心灰意懒之余 She quarreled with Paul and then married Peter on the rebound. 她跟保罗吵翻了,一气之下就嫁给了彼得。take (或 catch) sb. on (或 at) the rebound 在某人失恋 (或失望)时乘虚而入 Her future husband caught her on the rebound just after her first boyfriend had left her. 她的未婚夫在她第一个男朋友跟她断绝往来之后乘虚而入。 |