释义 |
rea·son /ˈriːzən/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 理由,原因,诱因;充分理由 a good reason to act soon 立即采取行动的正当理由 You give me your reasons for refusing. 你向我讲明你拒绝的理由。 What was the reason for (或 of) him being late? 他迟到的原因是什么? He resigned for reasons of health. 他由于健康原因而辞职。 The reason why (或 that) he doesn't come is that he is ill. 他没有来的原因是他病了。 I'm getting annoyed, and with reason. 我着恼了,而且是有充分理由的。 I saw reason to be suspicious. 我发现有足够的猜疑理由。 2. 理智,理性;判断力,推理力 reason and emotion 理智和感情 Only man has reason — animals do not. 只有人有理性,兽类则无。 Whether dogs have reason is really a question of definition. 狗有无智力实在要看“智力”这个词的定义如何而定。 3. 正常神志 He came (或 was restored) to reason. 他的头脑恢复正常了。 There is no reason in a madman. 狂人无正常神志可言。 He lost his reason in his final days. 他在临终前几天神志不清了。 4. 道理,情理,明智 speak (或 talk) reason 讲合乎道理的话 listen to reason 服从理智 There's a great deal of reason in his advice. 他所提的意见很有道理。 There can be no opposition between reason and common sense. 情理与常识决不相悖。 5. 【逻】理由,前提(尤指三段论中包含小项的小前提) the principle of sufficient reason 充足理由律 6. 【哲】理性(系18世纪德国哲学家康德用语) pure reason 纯粹理性 7. 〈古〉公道;公平
II ❶ vi. 1. 推论,推理,作逻辑思维 reason about (或 on, upon) a subject 就一个题目作推论 His primary aim was to teach his students to reason. 他的首要目的是教学生如何作逻辑思维。 I reason in this way on the matter. 对于那件事,我就是这样想的。 2. 理喻,劝告 (with) He's too headstrong to reason with. 他固执得难以理喻。 He was reasoning with the child on his mistake. 他在劝导那个孩子认识错误。 There's no reasoning with that woman. 同那女人毫无道理可讲。 3. 〈古〉商谈;讨论 Let us reason together. 我们一起来商议。 ❷ vt. 1. 推断;分析 (out) He was reasoning that the burglar was familiar with the house. 他推断那撬窃贼对房屋的情况是很熟悉的。 He reasoned the problem out and came to a conclusion. 他对这个问题加以分析之后得到了结论。 reason away (或 off) one's nervousness 通过推理分析祛除紧张不安感 2. 劝喻,说服 (out of, into) I tried to reason him out of his fears. 我竭力劝说他消除恐惧。 He was reasoned into a Labourite. 他经人说服而成为工党党员。 3. 讨论,论述 I will not reason what is meant by it. 我不想讨论这是什么意思。 I will reason why it is wrong. 我要论述为什么这是错的。 4. 以逻辑形式表达 His speech was admirably reasoned. 他的讲演极有逻辑性。 [< OFr reisun < L ratiō reckoning < rērī to think] phr. as reason was 根据情理 beyond (或 out of, past) all reason 毫无道理,全然无理 Their demands are (或 go) beyond all reason! 他们的要求是毫无道理的!bring to reason 使服理,使明事理;使服气 He attempted to bring her to reason. 他试图使她明白事理。by reason of 由于,因为 By reason of his lameness the boy could not play games. 由于跛足,那男孩不能参加游戏。by reason that 由于,因为 for reasons best known to oneself 出于唯有自己知道的原因 For reasons best known to herself she's decided to sell the car. 她决定把车卖了,原因嘛,只有她自己知道。 in (all) reason 合情合理的;正当的 It is not in reason to ask him to do that. 要求他做那种事是不合情理的。reason(s) of State 国家利益的理由 (系政府为不道德行为所援用的政治性借口)for reason(s) of State 为了国家利益rhyme or reason 见 rhyme see reason 明白事理;接受劝告 I have argued with him for hours but I can't make him see reason. 我跟他争论了好几小时,但仍不能使他接受我的意见。 stand to reason 合情理;是当然的,自不待言 It stands to reason that he won't go if we don't pay him. 我们不付钱给他,他当然就不会去。 the (或 a) woman's (或 lady's) reason 妇人的理由(旧时偏见说法,指不成其为理由的“理由”,如说:I will do such a thing, because I will do it. 我所以要做这样的事,就是因为我要做。) will (或 want to) know the reason why 〈口〉[表示威胁]要查究原因;要大发脾气 The work had better be finished before tomorrow, or I'll know the reason why. 这活儿还是今天干完它为好,如果拖到明天我要查究的。 If I'm not home before 10 o'clock my mother will want to know the reason why. 我如果不在10点前回家,我母亲就要大发脾气。 within reason = in reason |