

单词 rattle¹
释义 rat·tle¹ /ˈrætl/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr.
I vi.
1. 发连续短促的尖利声,碰撞作声,发格格声
The windows rattled in the wind. 窗子在风中格格作响。
He rattled at the door. 他砰砰打门。
The loud claps of thunder rattled. 炸雷劈啪。
Drums rattled. 鼓声咚咚大作。
A spout of gravel fell rattling through the trees. 一股砾石流稀里哗啦穿过林木倾下。
2. 喀嚓喀嚓行进;飞奔;开飞车;骑马疾驰
The train rattled on. 列车哐啷哐啷地向前行进。
The old taxi rattled down the street. 破旧的出租汽车喀嚓喀嚓沿街驶去。
Can you rattle right over here? 你能马上赶到这儿来吗?
We rattled along briskly. 我们一路疾行。
3. 喋喋不休地讲话,哇啦哇啦讲个不停 (on,away)
He apologized for rattling on. 他为自己喋喋不休表示了歉意。
She rattled away as if a sluice had been opened. 像是打开了闸门似的,她哇啦哇啦讲个没完。
4. (因呼吸困难)发呼噜声
rattle in one's throat 在喉间发呼噜声
1. 使发连续短促的尖利声,使碰撞作声,使发格格声
The strong wind rattled the windows. 大风吹得窗户格格作响。
He rattled the ice in his glass. 他嘎啦啦摇动杯子里的冰块。
He rattled the newspaper nervously. 他心神不安地把报纸抖得窸窣响。
An edgy voice rattled the speakerphone. 一个尖嗓音把扬声电话震得发出噪声。
2. (不费力地)飞快说出(或写出) (off);匆匆做成 (through)
He rattled off all the names in one breath. 他一口气把所有名字念了出来。
She rattled a lively piece of music on the piano. 她在钢琴上娴熟地弹出一首轻快的曲子。
rattle off four magnificent backhands 噼噼啪啪击出4下漂亮的反手球
a machine capable of rattling off thousands of calculations in a few minutes 能在几分钟之内做成数千次计算的机器
They rattled through the rest of the meeting. 他们把会议余下的议程匆匆过了一遍。
3. 使窘迫不安,使惊惶失措,烦扰;使恼火,激怒
rattle a speaker with catcalls 用嘘声烦扰演讲人
He seemed rattled about our presence. 他似乎因为我们在场而忐忑不安。
My persistent questioning of his story rattled him. 我对他的陈述诘问不已,把他惹火了。
4. 使疾行
5. 唤醒;使振作
6. 扰动(隐藏处)惊出猎物;猛追(猎物)

II n.
1. 连续短促的尖利声,碰撞声,格格声;喧闹声;欢闹声
a rattle of milk bottles 牛奶瓶乒乒乓乓的碰击声
the rattle of a machine-gun 机枪的哒哒声
A wild goose dashed away with a rattle of wings. 一只大雁扑棱扑棱振翅飞去了。
2. (尤指人垂死时喉间发出的)呼噜声,临终喉鸣
3. 发连续短促尖利声的器具;拨浪鼓(一种幼儿玩具)(报警或助威用的)呱呱板
the sounds of pedlars' rattles 货郎鼓的咚咚声
4. 喋喋不休的空话
a light rattle of small talk 一阵唧唧喳喳的闲聊声
5. 果实成熟时其子粒在内中能格格作响的植物(如鼻花、欧洲马先蒿、响铃豆)
6. (响尾蛇尾部的)角质环
7. 骰子摇盒(一种赌具)
8. 喋喋不休的人
[< MD ratelen < ? 拟声;与 OE hratian to rush 有关]
phr. in the rattle 被控渎职;在监禁中
rattle around (或 about) in (空荡处)啪哒啪哒走动,在(过分宽大的房屋)起居(或工作)
A couple rattles around in a house sized for rearing several children. 一对夫妇住在一幢足够养育好几个孩子的空落落的大宅里。
rattle together 互相叩击出声
He hasn't two sixpences to rattle together. 他身无分文。
with a rattle 蓦地;迅雷不及掩耳地




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