

单词 rate¹
释义 rate¹ /reɪt/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 比率,率
Velocity is the rate of change of distance with respect to time. 速度是距离对时间的变率。
a rising crime (divorce, suicide) rate 上升中的犯罪(离婚,自杀)
the jobless (或 unemployment) rate 失业率
an 11% rate of inflation 11%的通货膨胀率
What is your success rate? 你的成功率是多少?
2. 速率,速度;进度
drive at the rate of 40 kilometres an hour 以每小时40公里的速度开车
speak slowly at the rate of dictation 以听写速度缓慢地说话
prices increasing at a dreadful rate 以骇人速度飞涨的物价
At your present rate of working, you won't finish before midnight. 按你目前的工作进度,你在午夜前是做不完的。
3. (税收、利息等的)费率;保险费率;运费率
Any money earned over this level is taxed at the rate of 30%. 任何超过这一标准的进项以30%的税率课税。
a rise in the insurance rate 保险费率的上涨
an electric rate of 10 cents per kilowatt-hour 每1度10美分的电费收费标准
rice sold at the rate of $500 per ton 按每吨500美元单价出售的大米
4. 价格;费用
off-season rates 淡季价格
a rate war among the world's airlines 全球各航空公司间的价格战
postal rates 邮资
telephone rates 电话费
5. 等级,品级;类别
a movie of the first (second) rate 一等(二等)影片
a ship of the first rate 甲级舰
appraise sb. at a low rate 贬评某人
6. 计时工资
7. [常作 rates] (地方政府征收的)不动产税(率);地方税
parish rates 教区房产税
rates and taxes 地方税和国家税
8. (钟、表的)快慢差率
the daily (hourly) rate (钟、表的)日差(时差)
9. (水兵的)级别
10. 估计值;估计
11. 定量
12. 生活方式

II vt.
1. 对…估价,给…估值;评估
What do you rate his fortune at? 你对他的财产估价多少?
We rate your services (merits) highly. 我们对你的服务(优点)评价很高。
We rated him by his own behaviour. 我们根据他自己的行为对他作出评价。
2. 给…定级,把…列为;把…看作,认为
rate a ship (a seaman) 给船只(水兵)定级
rate sb.'s English at a B⁺ 给某人的英语打B⁺分
This is how the reviews rate new plays and films. 这就是评家给新剧和新片定级的方法。
He is rated fifth in the world. 他排名世界第五。
He rates himself above an ordinary clerk. 他总认为自己的级别高于一般职员。
Their goalkeeper was rated as being of county standard. 他们的守门员被称为具有郡一级的水平。
rate sb. among one's friends 把某人看作朋友
We rated your chances as nil. 我们认为你的机会等于零。
The place was rated dangerous by the tourists. 那地方被旅游者们视若畏途。
3. 定…的速率(或功率、生产率);定…的费率;定…的保险费率;定…的运费率;(根据货币本位)(硬币等)的币值
We would rate the engine at about twelve horsepower. 我们拟把这台发动机的功率定为12马力左右。
4. 值得,应得
The subject did not even rate a mention in Mr. Wilson's speech. 那题目在威尔逊先生的演讲中甚至不值一提。
He rates a promotion. 他应得到提升。
The hotel doesn't rate four stars. 这家旅馆不够四星级。
Caretaker governments normally don't rate presidential visits. 看守政府按理不适合接待总统来访。
5. [常用被动语态] 给…核定应缴(地方)税款
His house was rated at £300 a year. 他的房屋被核定每年应缴地方税款300英镑。
6. 调整(钟、表)的快慢差率;找出(钟、表)的快慢差率
7. 赞赏,推崇
The clients do not rate the new system. 顾客并不赞赏新体制。
I don't rate company handouts. 公司的施舍我可不领情。
8. 配给,分给
9. 计算,算
1. 被评价;被列入特定级别 (as)
She doesn't rate high as a picker of husbands. 就选择夫婿而论,她的眼力不怎么样。
Shanghai rates as the biggest trade centre in China. 上海是中国最大的贸易中心。
2. 受欢迎,受推崇
She really rates with her boss. 她确实是老板的红人。
That sort of persuasion doesn't rate a damn with me. 那种花言巧语我连听也不要听。
What stunt did he ever pull that makes him rate? 他耍了什么花招,能这么走红?
phr. at all rates 无论如何;至少
at an easy rate 廉价地;很容易地,不费力地
at any rate 1. 无论如何,不管怎么说;至少
At any rate, I must go on Monday. 无论如何,星期一我一定要去。
If she is stupid, she's at any rate pleasant to look at. 如果说她脑袋不灵,她这人至少容貌不错。
2. [用以进一步说明上文]
I don't know exactly what he did in industry. But at any rate he got a knighthood for it. 我并不确知他在实业界作出过何种贡献,反正他是因此得到了爵位。
Come early evening. After teatime, at any rate. 请傍晚来。或者说,过了午茶时间来就行。
at a rate of knots 极快,迅速地(由船速以节计算的意义引申而成)
at that (this) rate 照那(这)种情形,既然那样(如此)
We can't go on spending money at that rate. 我们可不能继续照那样子花钱了。
At this rate we shall not get to our destination before midnight. 照这样的速度走,我们午夜前赶不到目的地。
be (或 go) on the rates 靠领取公费救济金生活
rate up (遇险概率高的投保人)收取较高的保险费
[Ofr<ML rata<L prō ratā parte according to fixed proportion<ratus fixed<rērī to think,decide]




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