释义 |
rare¹ /reə(r)/ a. | ad. | phr. I a. 1. 稀薄的;〈古〉稀松的,稀疏的 The air is rare at high altitudes. 高地空气稀薄。 rare gases 稀薄气体 2. 稀有的,稀少的,罕见的;难得的 rare metals 稀有金属 a rare word 冷僻词 a rare eye disease 罕见的眼疾 Snow is rare in this region. 这地区难得下雪。 It is rare for a person in his position to make such a mistake. 一个占着他这样职位的人难得犯这种错误。 On the rare occasions when he spoke, his voice sounded very nervous. 他难得开口,而只要一开口嗓音总是战战兢兢的。 He now only appears in rare still photographs. 他如今只在照片上还偶尔露面。 3. 希罕的;稀奇的,珍奇的;出类拔萃的 a rare prize 希罕大奖 a rare medicinal herb 珍奇药草 a book of rare value (或 a rare book) 珍本书 a rare scholar (beauty) 百里挑一的学者(美人) 4. 〈口〉非常好的,极有趣的;异乎寻常的,极度的 The party was rare fun. 那次宴会可来劲了。 be sympathetic to a rare degree 同情到极点 talk with rare frankness 极其坦率地交谈
II ad. 1. 〈诗〉[常用以构成复合词] = rarely 2. 〈口〉很,非常,极其 a rare good wine 好酒 a rare fine view 极美的景色 [< L rārus sparse] phr. rare and 〈英方〉[表示强调]非常,很 We got a good supper, and grew rareand sleepy. 我们美美地吃过晚饭,开始昏昏欲睡了。rare and refreshing fruit 鲜美爽口的水果 rare old 〈口〉异乎寻常的,极度的 We had a rare old time at the party. 我们在宴会上过得快活极了。 |