

单词 range
释义 range /reɪndʒ/ n. | a. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 排,行;走向;一系列
a range of buildings (pictures) 一排建筑物(图片)
pupils in a range 排成一行的小学生
The range of the strata is east and west. 地层作东西走向。
a complete range of gardening tools 一整套的园艺工具
a range of tougher measures 一系列更为强硬的措施
open up a wide range of possibilities 开拓一系列广泛的可能性
2. 山脉;[ranges] 山地
a dividing range 分水岭
3. 级别,等级;阶层;类别
ocean-going freighters in the ten-thousand-ton range 万吨级远洋货轮
in the higher (lower) ranges of society 在社会高(低)
4. (变化等的)幅度;(听觉、视觉、活动、影响等的)范围;知识面,能力范围
There are three basic salary ranges. 有3个基本的工资档次。
the narrow range of prices for steel 钢价狭小的变动幅度
The age range is from 35 to 65 years. 年龄幅度在35至65岁之间。
Whenever there is a voter within voice range, he campaigns. 只要近旁有选民能听见他的声音,他必作一番竞选游说。
suburbanites within ear range of the airport's landing and takeoff patterns 听惯机场上飞机起落常规噪声的市郊居民
the range of vision 目视范围(或眼界)
one's range of responsibility 职责范围
Over the long range, the most important step will be a general tax reform. 从长远看,最重要的步骤是全面实行税制改革。
attract fish within range of net 引鱼游进渔网
His reading is of very wide range. 他的阅读面很广。
I'm sorry, but what you ask is out of my range. 抱歉,你问的事非我所知。
Hebrew is outside my range. 我不懂希伯来文。
5. 领域
in the ranges of human history 在人类历史领域中
6. (范围等的)广泛(性)
Her speech conveyed something of the range and diversity of research activities in the university. 从她的演讲中多少可以看到大学的研究活动何其广泛又何其多样。
His poems have power and range. 他的诗作大气磅礴。
7. 音域
She has a marvellous voice with an extraordinary range. 她歌喉甜美,音域奇广。
8. (预报等的)有效时段
9. 射程;有效距离,航程;距离;电讯量程,行程
stay out of (或 beyond) (the) range of big guns 呆在大炮射程之外
come within range 进入射程
shoot the enemy at short (close, long) range 在短(近,远)距离射击敌人
This weapon can kill at a range of 200 yards. 这种兵器在200码内有杀伤力。
set the sights of a howitzer for a range of 1,000 yards 把榴弹炮瞄准具校至1,000码的射程
The bomber has a range of some 3,500 miles. 这种轰炸机航程可达3 500英里左右。
the range of a hand-held radio 一种手持式无线电的量程
10. 靶场,射击场;(导弹等的)试射场;(高尔夫)练球场
a rifle range 步枪靶场
a missile (rocket) range 导弹(火箭)试射场
have range practice 练习打靶
11. 闲逛,漫游
take the dog for a range 牵狗闲逛
12. (动物、植物等的)生长区,分布区
the elk range in the Rocky mountain area 落基山驼鹿分布区
The range of this flower is northern Europe. 这种花的产地在北欧。
13. 放牧地,牧场
a range for the cattle and sheep 牛羊放牧地
14. (公地测量中两条相距6英里子午线间的)一排城镇,方6英里城镇区域;加拿大城镇分区
roam about township 14, range 15 在第15方区的第14分区内徘徊
15. (尤指使用固体燃料的)多眼炉灶;电灶;煤气灶
poke at the fire in the range 拨炉火
a gas (an electric, a coal, a wood) range 煤气(电,煤,柴)
a twelve-burner range 一只12眼的炉灶
16. (与照准线交叉的)测线延长(线)
17. 极差;值域
18. (图书馆等内前后两面开架的)双面书柜
19. 叠标线;帆系索耳
20. (与动物脊背线垂直切割的)底革
21. [ranges] 澳新山地国家

II a.
range livestock 牧畜
The range war involves a land dispute. 牧场大战牵涉到一宗地产纠纷。

III vt.
1. 排列,把…排成行
range the chairs in front of the desk 把几张椅子一溜排开在书桌前
range the goods neatly in the shop window 把一件件商品整齐地陈列在橱窗内
Eggs were ranged small, medium, and large. 蛋按小号、中号、大号排列成行。
The spectators ranged themselves along the route of the procession. 观众沿游行队伍经过的路线成行排开。
2. 把…分类;使成系列
range plants and animals in genera and species 将植物和动物按属和种分类
3. [常用被动语态或 range oneself] 使跻身于行列中,使参加行列
all the forces ranged against sb. 与某人敌对的各种势力
He ranged himself with (或 on the side of) the reform movement. 他加入改革运动的行列。
4. (测定并调整射角而)(枪、炮、望远镜等)瞄准,把…对准 (on);测定(目标)的距离;以试射修正(目标)的距离
range a gun (telescope) on a particular object 将炮(望远镜)对准特定目标
range the enemy's flagship 测定敌旗舰的距离
5. 使成平直;主英(活字字行)在终端排齐
range lines of type 把上下字行在终端排齐
6. (探索性地)漫游于;行遍,走遍;用(目光)扫过
range the woods 在林中漫游
range the whole world in search of new excitements 走遍全世界寻求新鲜刺激
Our fighters ranged the sky above the bombers for the enemy. 我方战斗机群在轰炸机上方的高空搜索敌机。
He ranged his eyes over the scene before him. 他举目眺望,饱览展现在眼前的景色。
7. (船)与…平行航行
range the coastline 沿海岸线航行
8. 在放牧地放牧
9. 解开(锚链)排在甲板上,盘(锚缆)于甲板使之顺利放出
1. (成行或成排)绵亘;延伸
hills ranging toward the south 向南延伸的群山
a boundary ranging east and west 东西走向的边界
Trees ranged along the road. 路边树木成行。
2. 漫游;来回行动;四处搜索
The flotillas ranged up and down the Channel. 小舰队在英吉利海峡游弋。
Let your mind range and have plenty of diversion. 你该散散心,并好好娱乐一下。
His thoughts range over past, present and future. 他想着过去、现在和将来,思绪连翩。
The eye ranged over an immense extent of wilderness. 目光扫过一片广袤的蛮荒。
dogs ranging through the woods 在林中搜索的猎犬群
3. (在一定幅度或范围内)变动,变化;显示不定(或不等)
The tiger-sharks range in length from nine to fourteen (或 between nine and fourteen) feet. 虎鲨体长从9至14英尺不等。
Prices range from $25 to $75. 价格从25至75美元不等。
The paper deals with the nation's problems, ranging from runaway inflation to a lowering of literacy levels. 这篇论文论及国家面临的从失控的通货膨胀到文化程度普遍下降等诸多问题。
The underwater shots range from interesting to breathtaking. 水下镜头有趣惊险,无奇不有。
The sentences ranged up to eight years for the ringleaders. 头目们的刑期可长达8年。
4. 论及,涉及 (over)
His talk ranged over a variety of matters. 他的谈话涉及到各种各样的事情。
The book ranges historically as far back as the Florence of the Renaissance. 这部书一直回溯到文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨的历史。
The summit ranges widely. 峰会议题广泛。
sb.'s widely (或 wide) ranging interests 某人广泛的兴趣
5. (动物、植物)自然生长,分布
The plant ranges from Canada to Mexico. 这种植物分布在从加拿大到墨西哥的广大地区。
6. (枪、炮、无线电、激光器等)具有特定射程(或量程)(枪弹、炮弹、导弹等)被发射至特定距离
a gun that ranges five miles 射程5英里的大炮
The shot ranged short. 这一发未射及目标。
7. 以试射修正距离
range by firing alternately over and short of a target 向目标前后交替发射以修正距离
Our artillery was ranging (in) on the enemy positions. 我方炮火正向敌军阵地瞄准射击。
8. 跻身;列入,加入序列
He ranges with great scientists. 他跻身于伟大科学家的行列。
A captain ranges between a lieutenant and a major. 上尉军阶在中尉之上,少校之下。
9. 成平直;主英(活字字行)在终端排齐
10. (船在单锚泊停时)偏荡
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phr. range oneself 成家安身;安身立命




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