ram·i·fi·ca·tion /ˌræmɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ n. 1. 分枝(或分支)形成;分枝(或分支)排列 2. (植物的)分枝;分支;枝状物 the ramifications of a river 河的支流 His banking house had ramifications throughout Europe. 他的银行在全欧洲都有分行。 3. 衍生结果,派生影响;后果 consider a proposal and all its ramifications 审议一项提议及其所有可能的结果 It will be some time before the full ramifications of the invention are known. 要了解这项发明将发挥何种充分影响尚须时日。 A wrong decision could have serious ramifications. 一个错误的决定可能产生严重的后果。