

单词 race¹
释义 race¹ /reɪs/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr.
I n.
1. (速度的)比赛,赛跑;竞赛,竞争
a horse (boat) race 赛马(船)
run the six-hour endurance race 参加6小时耐力赛跑
win an evenly contested race 赢得一场势均力敌的比赛
The yachts set out on an exciting race. 赛艇竞发。
They are in a race against time. 他们在和时间赛跑。
the arms race 军备竞赛
the technological race 技术竞争
the leadership race 领导权之争
the presidential race 总统竞选
the 2004 race for the White House 2004年美国总统竞选
He made (lost) his race for governor of Georgia. 他参加佐治亚州州长竞选(失败)
2. [常作 races] 大赛(指多项目的赛马会、赛狗会等)
attend (或 go to) the races 看赛马去
a huge win at the races 赛马会上的大赢
3. (日、月的)行程;历程,命数
the race of life 人生历程
ere sb. had run half his race 在某人生命未及一半之时
4. (水、潮的)急流;冲势,势头
a tide set with a strong race 激荡凶猛的浪潮
5. 水道,沟渠;(利用水力的)引水管道(亦作 millrace)
6. (滚珠轴承的)座圈,滚道;轮槽;(织布机的)走梭板
the inner (outer) race of the ball bearings 滚珠轴承内(外)座圈
7. 滑流,螺桨尾流
8. 澳新(驱羊逐头通过的)栅栏过道
9. (橄榄球运动员由更衣室入球场的)铁丝网过道
10. 苏格兰奔,跑,冲
11. (速度)比赛场地

II vi.
1. 赛速度,参加比赛 (with,against);参加赛马(或赛狗),以赛马(或赛狗)为业
They race to see who will get to the end first. 他们比赛跑步,看谁先到达终点。
He has raced against some of the best runners in the country. 他曾同国内几位最佳赛跑选手比赛。
race with time 和时间赛跑
race against the rival for time and speed 同对手比时间争速度
race against the weather 抢在天气变化之前
Eight horses will race for the cup. 8匹马将参赛争夺奖杯。
2. 疾走,迅跑;全速进行
race for the gate 往大门急奔
Race to the doctor for help! 快去叫医生!
He jumped into his car and raced back home. 他跳进汽车,开足马力赶回家去。
He felt his pulse (heart) race. 他感到他的脉搏(心脏)在急跳。
race through a letter (目光)匆匆扫过一封信
My mind (thoughts) raced. 我的头脑(思想)在急速翻腾。
His hand raced to protect his cheek. 他赶忙抬手捂住脸。
Snow raced outside. 户外大雪纷飞。
population growth racing ahead of employment growth 远远领先于就业增长的人口增长
3. (发动机等因负荷、阻力减小等原因而)猛转
The propeller raced wildly as the stern rose. 艉部抬起,螺旋桨离水飞转。
1. 和…赛速度,和…竞赛;(在速度上)试图超过
race each other to the bus stop 你追我赶地奔公共汽车站而去
race the time (或 clock) 赶时间
The plane raced the setting sun toward the airport. 飞机赶在太阳落山前飞向机场。
2. (尤指作为职业或业余爱好)使参加速度比赛
race a horse (a yacht) 让一匹马(一艘艇)参加比赛
race pigeons 放鸽竞飞
3. 使疾走,使迅跑;使全速行进
He raced his car across the desert. 他驾车飞速穿过荒漠。
race the bill through the House 使议案在议院迅速通过
4. 快速运输;高速推进
fast-sailing ships built expressly to race tea from China 专门用于运输中国茶叶的特制快速海船
5. 使(发动机等因负荷、阻力减小等原因而)猛转
He raced the motor and his wife's voice was lost beneath it. 他猛转马达,妻子的话音顿时便被淹没了。
The Administration raced the economy's engine in election years. 政府在选举年全速开动经济机器。
6. 澳口诱惑(女人) (off)
[< ON rās running; 与 OE rǣs rush, attack, L rorarii skirmishers, Gr erōē rush, impetus 有关]
phr. be at the races (妓女)街头卖笑
His race is nearly run. 他命数将尽。
in (out of) the race (无)希望赢的;有(无)机会的
race about (或 around, round) 在…来回奔走;在各处奔走
The maid raced about the house to get her work done. 女佣为把活儿干完在家里忙得手脚不停。
race away 1. 迅速跑掉
2. 在赛马(或赛狗等)赌赛中输掉
He raced all his money away. 他赌赛马把钱输个精光。
race up 1. 向上奔,冲上
The commandos raced up twenty steps to the second floor. 突击队员冲过20级的台阶上了二楼。
An official raced up with a message. 一名官员带着口信急急奔上来。
2. 急剧上升
Expenditure raced up and up to an unprecedented level. 支出费用一再急剧上升,达到前所未有的水准。
Slow and steady wins the race. 坚韧不拔者最终获胜。(源出《伊索寓言》的《龟兔赛跑》)
The race is got by running. 实干成事。
The race is to the swift. 捷足先登。(源出基督教《圣经》)




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