释义 |
rem·i·nis·cent /ˌremɪˈnɪsənt/ a. | n. I a. 1. (好)缅怀往事的,(好)怀旧的;话旧的 One tends to become reminiscent as one grows old. 一个人渐入老境就会动辄怀旧。 a reminiscent old man (mood) 怀旧的老人(心情) 2. 发人回想的;发人联想的,提示的;起提醒作用的 (of) scenes reminiscent of one's childhood 触发对童年回忆的景象 Some of the things happening now may seem reminiscent of the old cold war. 眼下发生的一些事情可能使人联想起旧日的冷战。 That artist's style is reminiscent of Van Gogh. 那个画家的风格像凡·高。 There was a sweetish smell, vaguely reminiscent of coffee. 有一股甜咝咝的气味,使人隐隐觉着像是咖啡。
II n. 往事的叙述者;回忆录作者 [< L reminiscī to call to mind < RE- + mēns mind] |