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belt /belt/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 腰带;肩带;皮带;带(如飞机座位上的安全带、高空作业用的保险带等) He has put on so much weight recently that he has to loosen his belt two holes. 近来他发胖了,非在腰带上放出两个间隔不可。 2. (伯爵、骑士表示身份的)爵位绶带;(拳击等运动冠军的)荣誉饰带;(柔道运动员的)段级标识带(初级为白色,中级为棕色,高级为黑色) 3. 【机】(皮)带;输送带 4. 【军】(自动武器的)子弹带,弹链;(系置武器、子弹等的)武装带;(军舰)沿吃水线的装甲带 He carried a pistol in his belt. 他在武装带上佩一把手枪。 5. (妇女的)紧身胸衣 6. 带状物 a belt of trees between two fields 两块田地之间的一片狭长树林 7. 地带;(尤指在地图上呈狭长形且具有突出特征的)地区 a forest belt 森林地带 a belt of volcanoes 火山地带 the industrial belt 工业区 the wheat (coal) belt 产麦(煤)区 8. 〈美〉环形路(线) 9. 海峡 10. 〈俚〉重重的一击 11. 〈美俚〉一口酒;一杯酒 take a vigorous belt from a bottle 从酒瓶喝一大口 His unsteady gait shows he's probably had a couple of belts. 他蹒跚的步子表明,他大概已经喝过几杯了。 12. 〈美俚〉快感,刺激 He always seems to get a belt out of life. 他仿佛时时刻刻都能从生活中得到乐趣。 13. 〈英俚〉驾车疾驶 Let's go for a belt down the highway. 让我们开汽车在公路上兜兜风。
II ❶ vt. 1. 用带束紧 belt (up) one's raincoat 用带束紧雨衣 The flight attendant asked everyone to belt himself in. 班机乘务员要求大家扣好安全带。 2. 用带系上 belt on one's sword 佩上宝剑 3. 用带(或条纹)标明 All equipment to be sold was belted in green. 所有准备出售的设备都用绿带标明。 Garbage cans should be belted with orange paint. 垃圾箱应漆上桔红色的条纹标记。 4. (像带子似地)环绕 an insular city belted around with wharves 四周码头毗连的一个海岛城市 5. 〈美〉环状剥(树)皮 6. (用皮带)抽打 7. 〈俚〉猛击;猛撞 He belted the ball right out of the ballpark. 他一记猛打把球击出了棒球场。 They set to and belted each other. 他们动手厮打起来。 The dog cut right across the road and was belted by a truck. 狗窜过公路时被卡车撞倒。 8. 〈俚〉喝(酒) (down); 纵(酒) She took a drink from the table and belted it down. 她从桌上拿了一杯酒,把它一口喝下。 He is given to belting the bottle. 他经常纵酒。 ❷ vi. 〈俚〉 1. 猛击;痛骂 (into) I lost my temper and belted into him. 我勃然大怒,向他猛击。 2. 飞驶;飞奔 belt along in a car 驾车一路飞驶 I heard a terrible scream and went belting downstairs. 我听到一声惨叫,便急忙飞奔下楼。 belt out of a place 急匆匆离开一地 3. 起劲地说话(或表演) I heard a voice belting away in the corridor. 我听到有人在走廊里大声说个不停。 a comedian belting away at the mike 对着话筒劲头十足地表演的喜剧演员 [<OE<L balteus] phr. at full belt 〈俚〉全速地 below the belt 1. (指拳击中违反规则打击对手)腰带以下部位 2. 不公正地 (的);卑怯地 (的)criticisms that hit below the belt 不公正的批评 I thought the remark was a bit below the belt. 我认为那句话有点不太正大光明。belt and braces 腰带加背带; 〈喻〉(政策等的)双重保险,稳妥可靠,万无一失 belt out 〈俚〉起劲地说;劲儿十足地演唱 (或演奏)belt out a speech 大声疾呼地发表演说 belt out a song 引吭高歌 belt up 1. 〈口〉扣上飞机 (或汽车)座位上的安全带 2. 〈英俚〉住口;保持安静 Belt up, you big bore. 住口,你这个叫人厌烦透顶的家伙。Belt up. Mother is asleep. 安静些,母亲在睡觉呢。It's as well to belt up about this matter. 关于这个问题还是保持沉默的好。3. (用皮带)抽打 give sb. a belt 〈俚〉1. (用皮带)抽打某人; (用手)猛击某人 give sb. a belt in the puss 劈脸给某人一掌 2. 压倒某人 give sb. the belt 〈俚〉解雇某人;遣某人走开 hold the belt (在拳击、 摔交等运动中)保持冠军位置 tighten (或 pull in) one's belt 〈喻〉束紧裤带;省吃俭用,忍饥挨冻 When father lost his job we had to tighten our belts. 父亲失业时,我们只得节衣缩食。The President called for a tightening of the national belt. 总统号召全国节衣缩食。under one's belt 〈口〉1. 被吃 (或喝)进自己肚子里 He is talkative when he has a few drinks under his belt. 他几杯下肚话就多。2. 被自己获得 (或掌握、 记住、 经历过)With three straight victories under their belts, the team went on to win the championship. 这个队在连胜了3场之后进而去争冠军。get some data under one's belt 掌握一些资料 Please keep my advice under your belt. 请牢记我的忠告。I've got 50 flight missions under my belt. 我执行过50次飞行任务。 |