

单词 quiet
释义 qui·et /ˈkwaɪət/ a. | vt. | vi. | ad. | n. | phr.
I a.
1. 安静的;轻声的;不出声的,沉默的
Be quiet! 安静!
say in a quiet voice 轻声说
quiet footsteps 轻轻的脚步声
There was nothing to say to this so she kept quiet. 对于这一点没有什么可说的,所以她保持沉默。
Why are you so quiet this evening? 你今天晚上怎么这么沉默寡言?
2. 平静的;静止的
a quiet sea (lake) 平静的大海(湖泊)
3. 寂静的;僻静的
a quiet street 寂静的街道
a quiet nook 僻静的一隅
It was very quiet in there; you could just hear the wind moving the trees. 那里一片死寂,你能听到风吹动树叶的声音。
4. 温和的;文静的;不易激动的
a quiet temperament 温和的性情
a quiet girl 文静的姑娘
quiet manners 文雅的举止
5. (颜色、衣服、装饰等)素净的,不显眼的
Grey is a quiet colour. 灰色是一种素净的颜色。
clothes that are in quiet good taste 素雅的衣服
6. 不受干扰的,安谧悠闲的
do a little quiet reading 清静地读点书
have a quiet cup of tea 悠然地喝杯茶
lead a quiet life in the country 在乡间过恬静的生活
7. (生意等)清闲的,清淡的
Business was quiet this morning. 今天上午没有什么生意。
8. 暗中的,秘密的;未表露的
regard sth. with quiet satisfaction 暗自得意地端详某物
He may have domestic problems; I'll have a quiet word with him. 他可能碰上了家庭难题,让我去和他私下谈谈。
keep sth. quiet (或 keep quiet about sth.) 将某事保密
conduct some quiet diplomacy for the President 为总统进行一些秘密外交活动
quiet resentment 心怀的怨愤
They lead lives of quiet despair. 他们在无声的绝望中生活。
9. 非正式(因而不隆重)的;不沸沸扬扬的
a quiet dinner party 非正式宴会

II 主美

1. 使安静;使平静;平息;减少(恐惧、疑虑等)
quiet a frightened child 抚慰受惊的孩子平静下来
quiet one's hunger with the roots of reeds 用芦苇根充饥
2. 确认(产权等)
安静下来;平静下来 (down)
The wind quieted down. 风停了。
The city quieted down after the political disturbances. 政治骚动后这座城市平静了下来。
Her sobs gradually quieted. 她的抽泣渐渐止住了。

III ad.
talk (walk) quiet 轻声谈话(走路)

IV n.
1. 安静;静谧
He was on his feet, shouting for quiet, but no one heard him. 他站起来大声叫大家静下来,但没有人听见他的声音。
In the quiet of the studio it sounded like a pistol shot. 在寂静的画室里,那声音听上去像有人开手枪。
2. 安宁,安定,和平
read in quiet 不受打扰地看书
a time of quiet 和平时期
[< L quiētus < quiēscere to rest¹ < quiēs rest¹, repose]
phr. (as) quiet as a mouse (或 lamb) 悄没声儿
(as) quiet as the grave 见 grave¹
at quiet 安静的(或地);平静的(或地)
on the quiet 悄悄地,秘密地,偷偷地
black-market grain on the quiet 偷偷买卖的黑市粮食




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