释义 |
quib·ble /ˈkwɪbl/ n. | vi. | vt. I n. 1. (在辩论中)含糊其辞回避问题实质;遁词,模棱两可的话 There is no room for quibble. 不容使用遁词回避问题实质。 produce more quibbles 使用更多遁词 2. 〈古〉双关语 3. 吹毛求疵的反对意见 There were quibbles over some of the details. 对于某些细节问题有些小小的批评意见。
II ❶ vi. 1. 使用遁词,含糊其词 He had no desire to quibble when decisive action was called for. 在需要当机立断的时候他不想含糊其词避开正题。 2. 吹毛求疵,找岔子;(为小事)争吵 quibble about (或 over) unimportant things with sb. 为小事与某人争吵 ❷ vt. 就…作狡辩 [<? quib gibe, 变体 < QUIP] |