释义 |
quail² /kweɪl/ vi. | vt. ❶ vi. 1. 害怕,胆怯;畏缩,退缩 His heart quailed. 他心存恐惧。 Eminent men invariably quailed before her. 有名望的男人见了她没有一个不怕的。 quail with fear at the thought (the prospect before one) 想到那一点(前途)不寒而栗 2. (害怕似地)弯曲;颤动 Trees quailed before a blast of wind. 树木在一阵强风中弯身剧颤。 3. 〈主方〉衰败;垮掉 The religion quailed into abject superstition. 那种宗教沦为可悲的迷信。 His courage never quailed. 他从不失去勇气。 ❷ vt. 〈古〉使害怕,使胆怯 [< ? OFr quailler < L coāgulāre to curdle] |