

单词 believe
释义 be·lieve /bɪˈliːv/ vt. | vi. | phr.
1. 相信,相信…的真实性
I warn you not to believe a word he says. 我警告你,他说的话你一句也不要相信。
believe a report 相信报道是真实的
It must be seen to be believed. 那必须亲眼看见才能信以为真。
I know you'll hardly believe it of me, but it's true. 我知道你不大会相信我的话,可那是千真万确的。
I could not believe my ears (eyes). 我简直不敢相信我所听(见)到的情况。
2. 相信…的话
Don't believe him. 别相信他的话。
3. 认为;猜想,料想
I believe him (to be) innocent. 我认为他是无辜的。
The rumour is believed to have been set afoot by him. 据认为,这谣言是他率先传播的。
I believe the search for peace to be my duty. 我把寻求和平看作自己的责任。
I believe (that) it's going to rain. 我看快要下雨了。
It was generally believed that he was in Paris. 当时人们都以为他在巴黎。
A: Will he come today? B: I believe so. 甲:他今天会来吗? 乙: 我想会来的。
My father thinks so, but I believe not. 我父亲认为是这样,可我不这样看。
1. 笃信宗教
He does not go to church, but he believes. 他不去教堂做礼拜,可是他笃信宗教。
2. 相信
His story divided the audience into those who believed and those who didn't. 对于他的叙述,听众有的相信,有的不相信。
3. 想,判断;猜想,料想
How could you believe so badly of him? 你怎么把他想得这么坏?
Mr. Smith, I believe? 我猜您就是史密斯先生吧?
[<OE beliefan]
phr. believe in 1. 信仰
Christians believe in Jesus. 基督徒信仰耶稣。
2. 信任,信赖;相信…的效用;相信…可行
I believe in him. 我信任他。
firmly believe in doing morning exercises every day 坚信每天做早操有益处
believe in the policy of an eye for an eye 信奉以眼还眼的政策
3. 相信…的真实性
Do you believe in everything the Bible says? 你相信《圣经》中的每句话吗?
4. 相信…的存在
believe in ghosts 信鬼
believe in the natural goodness of man 相信人性本善
believe it or not 信不信由你
Believe it or not, this mosque is in the heart of London. 信不信由你,这座清真寺就在伦敦的市中心。
believe on 信仰
believe (you) me [用以加强语气]相信我的话
Believe (you) me, that's no hardship. 说真的,那并不艰苦。
Don't you believe it! 别信他!
He said he loves you, but don't you believe it! 他说他爱你,但你可别信他!
make believe 见 make¹
Would you believe it? [表示惊奇]你能相信吗?
They are still arguing, would you believe it? 他俩还在争论不休,你能相信吗?




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