

单词 pump¹
释义 pump¹ /pʌmp/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 泵,抽水(或气)机,唧筒
fill a bucket from the pump 从水泵注满一桶水
2. 汽油加油泵 (= petrol pump)
3. 电子抽运(装置);泵激(器)
4. 抽吸;抽运;泵送
5. 心脏
6. 生理(指输送中间体通过生物膜的结构或机制)
7. 带有拉推枪栓式装置的猎枪

II vt.
1. 用泵抽吸;用泵抽运(水、气等)
pump water to drink 用泵汲水饮用
pump water from a river 用泵从河流抽水
The heart pumps blood into the veins. 心脏把血液压送至血管。
2. 用泵从…中抽水(或气等);用泵抽干(或抽空) (out)
pump a well dry 把井里的水抽干
3. 用泵(或唧筒)给…充气;用泵(或唧筒)给…的轮胎充气 (up)
pump (up) a tyre 给车胎打气
pump (up) a bicycle 给自行车打气
4. 把能输入(激光器);抽运(离子等);泵激,激发(原子等)
Many lasers are pumped by light. 许多激光器是用光激发的。
5. 用泵灌洗(胃) (out)
They had his stomach pumped for he had swallowed a handful of sleeping pills. 他吞了一把安眠药片,他们对他施行洗胃治疗。
6. 操纵(唧筒等的手柄、杠杆);操作唧筒似地上下摇动(或前后晃动)
pump the pedals of a bicycle 蹬自行车
He pumped her chest and a minute later the cat showed signs of life. 他一上一下用力摁猫胸,1分钟后那只猫苏醒过来。
He pumped her hand warmly. 他握住她的手热情地摇着。
7. 汲取;灌输;大量提供;注入
We have to pump more service out of less oil. 我们得用更少的油派更多的用处。
It's a hard job pumping facts into unwilling pupils. 向不自觉的学生大量灌输知识是件困难的事情。
pump funds into technological projects 把大量资金投入技术项目
a radio station pumping out pop music 连续播出流行音乐的电台
pump up the economy 大力促进经济发展
She was terrified of germs and had herself pumped full of every kind of injection. 她很害怕病菌,去打了各种各样的预防针。
8. 接连发射,快速连射
She pumped eight bullets into the room. 她一口气将8颗子弹射进那房间。
9. 向…不断提问(或追问);以追问(或巧妙方式)探出
They tried to pump him (about Lucy). 他们试图向他探问(露西的)情况。
They pumped him for everything he knew. 他们向他追问他所知道的一切。
We pumped the full story out of her. 我们从她那里追问出全部经过情形。
10. [常用被动语态]使喘不过气,使疲乏
He was completely pumped (out) when he reached the finishing-post. 到达终点时,他精疲力竭了。
11. 美口使激动;使达到兴奋状态 (up)
12. 美口夸大 (up)
13. 增加;扩大 (up)
1. 操作泵(或唧筒);用泵吸(或送)(或油等)
He was pumping away the whole day. 他整天在用唧筒抽水。
a pumping station (石油管道等上的)泵站
2. 唧筒似地活动;操作唧筒似地上下(或往复)运动
Her heart was pumping away. 她的心在怦怦跳动。
She pumped up the mountain. 她一鼓作气爬上山去。
3. 被抽送而流动
4. 间歇地喷出
Blood was pumping out of his back like a fountain. 血像泉水般地从他的背部阵阵涌出。
[<MD pumpe pipe < ? Sp bomba < 拟声]
phr. prime the pump 1. (尤指以政府经费)刺激商业(或经济)的发展
2. 支持;促进;领导一项活动
pump iron 见 iron




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