

单词 pull
释义 pull /pʊl/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I vt.
1. 拉;拖;牵;扯
pull a door open (shut) 把门拉开(拉上)
carts pulled by oxen 牛拉的大车
pull a trigger 扣扳机
pull sb. into a room 把某人拖进房间
pull sb.'s sleeve (或 pull sb. by the sleeve) 拽某人的袖子
He pulled his sock carefully over his swollen ankle. 他小心地把短袜拉上肿胀的脚踝。
He pulled a cord and the butler appeared. 他拉了一下铃绳,男管家应声出现。
Don't pull my hair! 别扯我的头发!
2. 采;摘;拔;抽
pull flowers 采花
pull carrots 拔胡萝卜
pull feathers 拔羽毛
pull a tooth (a nail, a cork) 拔牙齿(钉子,瓶塞)
He pulled a small notebook from the inside pocket of his suit. 他从衣服的内袋抽出一本小小的笔记本。
She pulled her arm free. 她把手臂挣脱了出来。
3. (从桶等中)汲取(啤酒等)
He pulls pints as a job. 他在酒吧当斟啤酒伙计。
4. 拉开,撕开,扯开
pull a seam 把缝拉开
He pulled the newspaper to shreds. 他把报纸撕得粉碎。
5. 反复拉制(糖果半成品)
pull taffy 拉制乳脂糖
6. 过分伸展而弄伤,拉伤
pull a leg muscle 拉伤腿部肌肉
7. 拔出(枪、刀等) (on)
pull one's pistol and threaten to shoot 拔出手枪威胁要开枪
He pulled a knife on his attacker. 他拔出刀子对付袭击他的人。
8. 拆下;移动;搬走
pull a wheel from a car 将轮子从汽车上拆下
pull one's car to the left 把汽车向左开
He pulled himself out of the water. 他抓住东西从水里爬了出来。
I pulled myself over to the bar. 我向酒吧走去。
start pulling the wounded out of the vehicles 开始把伤员从车里抬出来
9. 主方拉出(家禽)的内脏;拔(家禽)的毛
10. (船)用…划,被…划动;划(桨);划(船等)
The boat pulls eight oars. 这条船备有8枝桨。
He pulls a good oar. 他是一名好桨手。
Will you pull me over to the island? 你肯划我到那岛上去吗?
11. 实行,做,干;做成;犯(罪),作(案)
pull guard duty 担任警卫任务
pull an air raid on a village 对一个村庄实施空袭
pull a trick on sb. 作弄(或欺骗)某人
Don't try to pull anything. 别想耍什么花招。
The police believe the men pulled all three robberies. 警察确信三起抢劫案都是那些人干的。
They pulled a bank job. 他们干了抢银行的勾当。
12. 抢劫,偷窃
pull a bank 抢银行
pull a few thousand quid 偷窃几千英镑
13. 扮,装出
pull a grimace at sb. 对某人做鬼脸
I pulled a face to hide my embarrassment. 我做了一个鬼脸来掩饰我的窘态。
14. 吸引,强烈影响;招徕;博得…的支持(或兴趣等);获得
The pop group pulled a crowd. 那个流行乐队吸引了一大群人。
pull custom 招徕顾客
pull votes 拉选票
pull sb.'s support 赢得某人的支持
He pulled an A in his English course. 他的英语课成绩得了个A。
15. 拉上(窗帘、幕等);拉开(窗帘、幕等)
16. 高尔夫从右手把(球)向左侧击去;从左手把(球)向右侧击去
pull a tee shot 从开球区(或球座)打出偏左(或右)的轻击球
17. 拉棒击(球),早挥棒击(球)(指右手击球员击到左场,左手击球员击到右场)
pull the ball into right field 拉棒击球入右半场
18. (投向三柱门或左场的球)击向右场
19. 止住;勒住;(尤指赛马时为了故意不赢)(马)慢跑;(拳击或空手道中为了故意不赢或避免伤害对手)(拳)轻击
20. (样),印(样张等)(指旧时在手动印刷机上靠拉动滚筒印刷)
pull a proof 打样
21. 逮捕;突然袭击(赌窟等)
22. 号召…罢工;号召实行(罢工)
pull the plant 号召全厂罢工
pull a strike 号召罢工
23. 耍,摆弄(威风等)
He pulled his scientific authority on me. 他对我大耍他那科学权威的威风。
He liked to pull his rank on his inferiors. 他喜欢对他的下级摆架子。
24. 撤销,废止(文件等)
pull sb.'s visa 撤销某人的签证
25. 引诱(某人)成奸,跟(某人)性交
26. 获取(数据)
27. 取消…的比赛资格
1. 拉;拖;牵;扯
The horse pulls well. 这匹马拉力大。
That engine will not pull. 那辆机车不能牵引。
2. 撕;摘;拔
3. (费力地)前进;(使劲)移动
4. 划船,划桨;行驶,开车
The rowers pulled hard. 划手们拼命划桨。
An unmarked car attempted to pull alongside my car. 一辆无标记的汽车试图同我的汽车保持并行。
5. (猛)抽烟,(深)吸烟
6. 喝;大口喝,畅饮
7. (马习惯地)挣扎着拉紧马嚼子,(马在驾驭者勒缰绳时)反抗挣扎
8. 拔枪
Without warning he pulled and fired. 他事先不警告一声,拔枪便打。
9. (能)被拉(或拖、摘、拔等)
The door pulled open. 门拉开了。
These roots pull easily. 这些根很容易拔起。
10. 深感同情;表示强烈同情
11. 有吸引力;吸引顾客
The clearance sale is pulling well. 清仓削价销售对顾客极有吸引力。
That spot announcement really pulled. 那则插播短广告效果确实很好。
12. 美橄(攻方前锋为掩护本方持球队员从对阵开球线)侧翼迂回阻挡
13. 美俚(囚犯用语)手淫

II n.
1. 拉;拖;牵;扯
give a pull at a rope 拉一拉绳子
2. 拉力;拖力;牵引力;吸力,引力
trigger pull 扣扳机所需的拉力
the pull of the current 急流的牵拉力
a bow with a 30 pound pull 拉力为30磅的弓
The pull of the moon affects the tides on earth. 月亮的引力影响地球上的潮汐。
3. 费力的前进(或移动、攀登等);持续的努力
a long pull uphill 漫长费力的登山
Have him take a pull himself or fire him. 叫他自己好好努力,否则就开除他。
4. 划船;一次划桨动作
We went for a short pull on the lake. 我们去湖上稍稍划了一会儿船。
Two more pulls and you'll arrive at the destination. 再划两桨你就到达终点了。
5. 拉手,把手;拉线;拉环;供拉的东西
a drawer pull 抽屉拉手
a curtain pull 幕布的拉绳
6. 一口(酒),一满口(酒)
take a pull at a bottle 从瓶里喝一口(酒)
take a pull of milk from the can 从罐里喝一口牛奶
He downed half the beer at one pull. 他一口就把啤酒喝下一半。
7. (烟的)一抽,一吸
take a quiet pull at (或 on) a cigarette 安安静静吸一口烟
8. 高尔夫用右手把球向左侧的一击,用左手把球向右侧的一击;拉棒击球,早挥棒击球;向右场的一击
9. 影响力;门路;有利条件
I've got a pull with Doctor Smith. I'd get her into his ward. 我跟史密斯医生关系很好,我来设法把她送进由他负责管理的病房去。
Her good looks gave her a pull over other girls. 她的美貌使她与其他女孩子相比占有优势。
10. 吸引力;感染力,魅力
Factory jobs have more pull than domestic service. 工厂工作比家政服务吸引力大。
He felt a strong pull to visit his aunt. 他非常想去看望他的姑妈。
The fairy tale has a pull on their imagination. 这童话激发着他们的想象力。
These ads have pull. 这些广告很能打动人。
11. 草样,校样
12. (赛马中的)控马慢跑;(拳击赛中的)控拳轻击
13. 英口性引诱
a bachelor on the pull 寻觅性伴侣的单身汉
[< OE pullian; 与 Icel pūla to beat 有关]
phr. over the long pull 从长远来说
Over the long pull, an expensive pair of shoes may save you money. 一双价格昂贵的鞋子从长远看反而可能更省钱。
pull a boner 见 boner
pull about 1. 把…拖来拖去,乱拖乱拉
2. 粗暴地对待
pull a face 见 face
pull a fast one (on sb.) 作弄 (某人);欺骗 (某人)
pull ahead (of) 超前 (于);领先 (于)
The powerful steamboat soon pulled ahead. 那艘大马力的汽船很快开到前面去了。
In those contests, he has pulled ahead of his opponent. 在那些竞赛中,他已经领先于他的对手。
pull apart 1. 把…拉开 (或拆开);被拉开 (或拆开)
He rushed in to pull apart the boys that were fighting. 他冲了进去,把正在厮打的男孩们拉开。
The table is so made that you can easily pull it apart (或 that it easily pulls apart). 这张桌子做得易于拆卸。
2. 把…扯成碎片
pull a flower apart 把花扯碎
3. 苛刻(或严厉) 地批评;找…茬
pull apart an essay 把一篇文章批得体无完肤
pull around = pull about
pull aside 把…拉 (或移)向一边
The cloak of secrecy was pulled aside by him. 神秘的外衣被他撩开了。
pull at 1. 用力拉 (或拖、扯等)
2. 从…中喝 (酒等);从…中抽烟
pull at a bottle of water 从瓶中喝水
pull at a pipe 抽烟斗
3. 对…产生影响,感染
pull away 1. 拉开;扯掉;拉走
pull away the wrapper 撕掉包装纸
A fireman pulled the driver away from the burning cab. 消防员把驾驶员从燃烧的出租汽车中拉走。
2. 退走,撤离
The figure pulled away from the door in fear. 那身影战战兢兢地从门口退走了。
3. 摆脱;逃跑
She tried to pull away from the man who was holding her. 她试图挣脱抱住她的那个男人。
4. 把…开走;离开
He pulled his car away from the roadside. 他把汽车驶离路边。
He jumped onto the bus just as it was pulling away. 正当公共汽车要开时他跳了上去。
5. 连续不断地划;划着离开
Pull away, boys! A little more effort, and we'll soon reach the shore. 继续划,小伙子们! 再加一把力,我们很快就抵岸了。
pull back 1. 把…向后拉,把…拉向自己;使回到以前的状态
Her hair was pulled back and tied. 她的头发往后梳并束了起来。
The doctors are doing all they can to pull mother back to health. 医生们正尽力使母亲恢复健康。
2. 反悔,毁约
pull back from signing a document 改变主意而不签署文件
He pulled back on the promise made. 他收回前诺。
3. (使)撤退,(使)退却
Their troops pulled back out of the newly occupied area. 他们的部队撤出了那个新占领的地区。
4. 紧缩开支
With the reduction in the money allowed, we shall have to pull back on our spending. 原来答应给的钱减少了,我们得紧缩开支。
5. 提高比赛名次
pull down 1. 拉下;拉倒,拆掉
pulldown a blind 拉下遮帘
pull a house down 拆除一座房屋
2. 抓住,捕获;制服 (猎物)
pull a fox down 抓到一只狐狸
3. 使衰弱;挫…的气焰,使颓丧;使降至较低地位;减低
Since his illness, he is very much pulled down. 他生病以后身体差多了。
They intend to pull him down a peg or two. 他们想杀杀他的威风。
The written paper pulled me down. 笔试使我名次落后了。
pull a price down 降价
4. (钱);获得 (工资、报酬、赏金等)
pull down five hundred dollars a month 每月赚500美元
He pulled down an A in algebra by studying hard. 他因学习努力代数成绩得了A。
5. 推翻,打倒 (统治者、政府等)
6. 跑去接住 (球)
pull even with 赶上,与…相匹敌
This subsidiary company may pull even with its parent company in business. 这家子公司的营业可能会与其母公司并驾齐驱。
pull for 1. 驶向,划向
A tug is pulling for the wharf. 一条拖船正在向码头靠拢。
2. 对…强烈同情;热情支持;给…帮助
3. 希望…成功;向…欢呼,为…鼓气
We were pulling for their football team. 我们正在为他们的足球队打气。
pull in 1. 拉进;收进;吸入
The fishermen were pulling in their nets with great haste. 渔民们正在匆匆收网。
pull in fresh air 吸入新鲜空气
2. 吸引
pull in money from investors 吸收投资者的资金
The film has pulled in large audiences. 这部影片吸引了大批观众。
3. (嫌疑犯),把…抓到警察局 (询问);逮捕
Two youths loitering near a supermarket were pulled in on suspicion. 在一家超市附近游荡的两个青年涉嫌犯法被捕。
4. (车等) 停下,驶向路边;(列车) 到达,进站;(船) 靠岸
The car pulled in at the garage. 汽车开到车库停下。
The driver pulled in at a roadside store. 驾车人把汽车开到路旁的商店前停下。
As we pulled in, our connection to Rome was pulling out. 我们的车到达时,开往罗马的接续列车正好开出。
The train from Beijing pulled in at 9:15. 北京开来的列车9点15分到站。
The boat pulled in to the shore at dawn.那船在拂晓时靠岸。
5. 停止,止住;紧缩 (开支)
I must pull in, or my letter will never end. 我必须搁笔了,否则我的信将永远写不完。
pull a horse in 勒马
The organization pulled in (its expenses), but it did not thereby reduce its efficiency. 这个组织缩减了开支,却并不因此而降低效率。
6. 获得 (利益、报酬等)
pull in a regular salary 拿固定薪金
pull in about forty thousand dollars a year 每年挣4万元左右
7. 收缩腹肌使 (自己或腹部) 显得较不肥胖
pull into (车等) 到达;驶入;驶向
They will pull into the station at seven sharp. 他们将于7点正进站。
pull in with 与…一致行动
pull it off 做成,成功
pull off1. 拉开;拿掉;扯下;脱去
The hound was going to sink its teeth into the rabbit but was quickly pulled off. 猎狗正要咬兔子,可是马上被拉开了。
Help me pull these boots off. 帮我把靴子脱下来。
pull off the bark of a tree 剥掉树皮
pull off one's shirt 脱掉衬衣
2. (成功地或艰苦地)完成,做成,赢得
That horse will pull off the race. 那匹马会跑赢。
pull off a million-pound deal 好不容易做成一笔百万英镑的生意
Father enjoys pulling off a miracle. 我父亲总喜欢一举惊人。
3. (车等) 驶离 (道路) 进入停车处 (或支路等)
We pulled off into a filling station. 我们开到路旁的一家加油站。
He pulled off the road and stopped to see what was wrong with the car. 他把车开到路边停下,看看出了什么毛病。
4. (车等) 停下后继续开动
5. 美俚手淫
pull on 1. 用力拉扯,拉紧
The coat was too tight, and the buttons pulled on the threads that hold them. 这外衣太紧,纽扣都把缝扣线绷得紧紧的。
2. 穿上,戴上
pull on gloves 戴上手套
3. 抽,吸
4. 继续划船
Pull on harder, it's getting late. 加把劲划,时间晚了。
pull oneself together 控制自己,镇静下来;重新振作起来
Stop acting like a baby! Pull yourself together! 别耍孩子气了,振作起来。
She had her ups and downs, but she had always managed to pull herself together. 她饱经沉浮沧桑,但总能设法使自己重新振作起来。
pull oneself to one's feet (费力地) 站起来
She pulled herself to her feet and walked heavily towards her daughter. 她费力地站起身来,步履沉重地向女儿走去。
pull oneself up 站起身来
He pulled himself up and went out without another word. 他站起身走了出去,没有再说一句话。
pull one's socks up 见 sock¹
pull one's weight 见 weight
pull out 1. 把…分开;可被分开
The map is at the back of the book, and may be pulled out (或 and pulls out) for easy reference. 地图附在书末,可以取下以便查阅。
2. 拉出;拔出;抽出;拉长
pull out a fountain pen 取出一枝自来水笔
pull out a tooth (a nail) 拔掉一颗牙齿 (一枚钉子)
The drawer won't pull out. 这抽屉拉不出来。
3. (车等)离去,开出;(列车)出站;(船)划出
The three-thirty is pulling out of Platform Five. 3点30分的列车正从5号站台开出。
4. 驶离路边;(为超车而)驶离车辆行列
The car in front pulled out to overtake. 前面的汽车开出依次行进的车流强行超车。
5. (使)摆脱困境;(使)恢复
He's been dogged by failure for years; now he's working strenuously to pull out. 几年来他迭遭失败;现在他正在努力苦干以求摆脱这种局面。
She had a spell of dizziness but soon pulled out of it. 她头晕了一阵,但马上就好了。
6. (使)撤退;(使)退出 (或隐退、退休)
The troops (were) pulled out. 军队 (被) 撤走了。
I've pulled out of active employment. 我已经退职。
She pulled herself out of the dark abyss of her sorrow. 她从悲痛的黑暗深渊努力自拔。
7. 逃避协约 (或责任等)
The plant had production problems; the original contractor pulled out. 该厂生产上有问题;原来的订约人不肯履约。
8. 改出俯冲;中断进场着陆,复飞
The bomber pulled out of the dive and climbed straight up into the sky. 轰炸机从俯冲拉起,爬高直冲云天。
pull over (车) 驶到 (或驶向) 路边;把 (船) 驶到 (或驶向) 岸边;(车) 驶到 (或驶向) 路边;(船) 驶到 (或驶向) 岸边
pull round 1. 用力使 (人或物) 转到相反的方向
He was pulled round to face a pair of glaring eyes. 他被拉转身去面对着一双喷射怒火的眼睛。
2. 主英口(使)苏醒;(使) 恢复健康
Loosen his clothes and give him a little brandy; that'll soon pull him round. 把他衣服解开,再给他喝点白兰地,那样可以很快使他苏醒过来。
She has pulled round after her operation. 她手术后已经复元。
pull (one's) punch(es) 见 punch¹
pull rank 见 rank¹
pull sb.'s leg 见 leg
pull strings 见 string
pull the other one 见 one
pull the plug 见 plug
pull the strings 见 string
pull through 1. (使) 渡过危机 (或难关等)(使) 恢复健康
No one thought the patient would pull through. 没人认为这个病人还能恢复健康。
2. 用浸油的破布擦拭 (步枪) 的枪膛
pull together 1. 把…拉到一起
2. 齐心协力;团结起来
If we pull together, success is certain. 如果我们通力合作,肯定能够成功。
3. 使重新团结 (或兴旺、振作) 起来
pull an alliance together 使联盟各成员重修旧好
She took the challenge,and it gave her strength, pulling her together. 她接受挑战,这给了她力量,使她重新振作起来。
pull to pieces 1. 把…拆开;把…撕成碎片
The tiger pulled the deer to pieces. 老虎把鹿撕得粉碎。
2. 苛刻地批评,找…的茬
The poor woman was pulled to pieces. Her makeup, her accent, her political opinions; nothing escaped criticism. 那个可怜的女人备受指摘;她的气质、她的口音、她的政治观点,没有一项不遭批评的。
pull under 把…拉下水面
The currents were strong, and nobody would swim for fear of being pulled under. 水流湍急,人们恐遭灭顶都不愿在那里游泳。
pull up 1. 把…向上拉;拔掉,根除;使 (自己) 直立
I sat at my desk, knees pulled up to my chin. 我坐在书桌旁,双膝抬起到下巴下边。
pull up weeds 拔野草
2. 把…拉到近处
Pull your chair up to the table. 把你的椅子挪近桌子。
3. 克制自己,少活动多休息
She was advised by her doctor to pullup and take easy. 她的医生劝她少活动多休息,悠着点儿。
4. 使停下,停下;(车等) 开到某处停下,(人) 把车开到某处停下
He pulled up his horse at the gate.他在大门口把马勒住。
They pulled up in front of Room 18. 他们在18号房间门口站定。
There would be a lot more to say, but I must pull up. 还有好多话要说,但我必须打住了。
The rain stopped as we pulled up to the hotel. 我们驱车到旅馆停下时雨止了。
5. 使 (飞机) 急剧升起 (尤指从水平位置大仰角拉起)
6. 责备,责骂;纠正;制止
He wants pulling up sharply. 他这人得狠狠训一顿。
Jim talked rudely to Mother, and Father pulled him up. 吉姆跟母亲讲话没礼貌,父亲责备了他。
Ann said that America was discovered in 1634, and the teacher pulled her up. 安说美洲是在1634年被发现的,老师纠正了她。
7. 提高,改进
pull up one's English 提高英语水平
8. (在比赛等中)改善…的地位;赶上去
His mark in the geography paper pulled him up several places. 他的地理考分使他的名次提前了好几个档次。
Coming into the stretch, the black horse began to pull up. 进入赛马终点前直线跑道时,那匹黑马开始赶了上去。
The other boat pulled up with us. 另外那条船追上了我们。
pull wires 见 wire




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