释义 |
pro·vide /prəʊˈvaɪd/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 供给,供应;提供,给予 That restaurant provides good meals. 那家饭店供应上好的膳食。 This meeting provides an opportunity to talk. 这次会见提供了一次谈话的机会。 Mary provided him with funds. 玛丽向他提供钱财。 The programme aims to provide self-sufficiency for local needs. 这项计划旨在使当地需要得以自足。 Please place your litter in the receptacle provided. 请把扔弃的东西放入提供给你的容器里。 We have a moral obligation to provide aid to them. 我们在道义上有义务给他们帮助。 You must provide yourselves. 你们必须自备各种必需品。 Curtains provide privacy. 拉上窗帘可使人有独处而不受打扰之感。 2. (决定、法律等)规定,订定 The contract provides that he cannot work for another movie studio. 合同规定他不可为其他电影制片厂工作。 3. 准备好,预先准备 Mother provided a good dinner. 母亲准备了一餐美味的饭菜。 In summer many animals provide their winter food. 许多动物在夏天就为过冬准备食物了。 4. 【史】【宗】任命…就有俸神职;(教皇)委任…为现任有俸神职者的继承人 ❷ vi. 1. 抚养,赡养,提供生计 (for) provide for one's children 抚养自己的孩子 provide for a large family 供养一个子女众多的家 2. 作准备 (for); 预防(against) He worked hard to provide for his old age. 他努力工作为养老预作准备。 He provided against financial ruin by wise investment. 他明智地投资以防破产。 3. 规定,订定 (for) The constitution provides for an elected two-chamber legislature. 宪法规定通过选举组成两院制立法机构。 [< L prōvidēre to provide for, foresee <PRO-¹ + vidēre to see] |