

单词 begin
释义 be·gin /bɪˈɡɪn/ vi. | vt. | phr. (be·gan /-ˈɡæn/, be·gun /-ˈɡʌn/; be·gin·ning)

1. 开始;开始进行;开始存在;开始出现
Work on the project began in May. 这项工程是5月份开工的。
World War I began in 1914. 第一次世界大战始于1914年。
The organization began last year. 这个组织是在去年成立的。
The custom began during the Civil War. 这种习俗起源于内战时期。
2. 开始讲话
He began after this fashion: “Now, children, I want you all to be quiet.” 他的开场白是这样说的:“注意,孩子们,我要求你们都安静下来。”
3. [通常与否定词连用,后接不定式]一点也(不),根本(不)
I felt I did not begin to understand him. 我觉得我一点也不明白他的意思。
They can't begin to compete with him. 他们根本不能和他竞争。
Nothing had begun to interest her so much as folk music. 根本没有什么东西曾经像民间音乐那样引起她的兴趣。
1. 开始,着手于
I began English last year. 我去年开始学英语。
She began her career as a teacher. 她以教师工作开始她的职业生涯。
The ice began to melt. 冰开始融化了。
The child began crying (或 to cry). 孩子开始哭了。
The food was beginning to decay. 食物开始腐烂了。
2. 使出现,创建;是…的创始人;使开始
begin a dynasty 开创一个王朝
Who began the reform movement? 是谁发动那场改革运动的?
Begin him on Bernard Shaw, and you could not stop him. 只要开个头引他谈论萧伯纳,谁也没法打断他滔滔不绝的长篇大论。
3. 在…中居首位;在…中最先出现
The letter A begins the alphabet. 在字母表中A是第一个字母。
[<OE beginnan]
phr. begin at 从…开始
The night shift begins at five o'clock. 夜班从5点钟开始。
begin at page 4 从第4页开始
begin on (或 upon) 1. 着手进行
begin on a technical innovation 着手搞一项技术革新
2. 开始向…发起攻击
begin with 以…开始;以…为起点
I shall begin with this book today. 我打算今天先读这本书。
The drought began with that exceptionally dry summer. 旱灾是从那个雨水特别稀少的夏季开始的。
to begin with 1. 首先,第一
We can't go. To begin with, it's too cold. Besides, we're busy. 我们不能去。第一,天太冷。另外,我们正忙着。
2. 自始;原先,本来
The business went well to begin with, and he prospered. 生意一开头就很顺手,于是他发迹了。
He had been rich to begin with and had now grown even richer. 他本来就富有,现在变得更有钱了。
Well begun is half done. 好的开端是成功的一半。




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