释义 |
beg·gar /ˈbeɡə(r)/ n. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 乞丐,叫化子;穷人,穷光蛋 2. 募捐者 3. 〈口〉家伙 What a fine little beggar! 多可爱的小家伙! The poor beggar looked silly trying to portray the role of Hamlet. 那可怜虫因为拼命想把哈姆雷特的角色演好而大出洋相。 4. 〈口〉能手;积极分子(for) a beggar to argue 能言善辩的人 a beggar for work 工作一贯积极的人
II vt. 1. 使沦为乞丐;使贫穷 successive wars that beggar a nation 使整个国家沦于贫困的连年战祸 2. 超越,胜过;使不能,使落空 The wealth there beggars the combined treasures of all Europe. 那里的财富超过整个欧洲所有的金银财宝。 atrocities so barbaric as to beggar belief 野蛮得令人难以置信的暴行 beggar the imagination 令人难以想象 [<ME beggere<OFr begard; 见 BEG] phr. Beggars must not (或 cannot) be choosers. 〈谚〉要饭的哪能挑肥拣瘦。 Set a beggar on horseback and he'll ride to the Devil. 〈谚〉叫化子发财得意忘形。 |