释义 |
prop¹ /prɒp/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 支柱,撑棒;支撑物 use two sticks as props for a sagging tent 用两根木棒作支柱撑起松垂的帐篷 2. 支持者,后盾,靠山 cease to be the prop of the business 不再是企业的栋梁 His father is his financial prop. 他父亲是他经济上的靠山。 3. = clothes-prop 4. 【英橄】第一排边锋 5. 〈澳〉(马的)前腿挺直的骤停 6. 【语】支撑词(指句子中起到一定句法作用但无意义的词语,如 it is raining 中的 it)
II (propped; prop·ping) ❶ vt. 1. 支撑 (up) prop the gate open with a brick 用砖块顶着大门不使关上 prop oneself up in bed 在床上撑着坐起 prop a bicycle against the fence 把自行车靠在篱笆上 2. 支持;维持 (up) prop up a cause 支持一项事业 prop up production on government subsidies 靠政府补助金维持生产 ❷ vi. 1. 架,搁 He sat in his chair and his legs propped on a small stool. 他坐在椅子里,双腿搁在一张小凳上。 2. 〈澳〉(马等)前腿挺直着骤停 [< ME proppe < MD: vine prop, support; 与 MLG proppe stopper 有关] phr. prop and stay 中流砥柱;后盾,靠山 prop up the bar 见 bar¹ |