释义 |
pro·pose /prəʊˈpəʊz/ vt. | vi. | phr. ❶ vt. 1. 提出;提议,建议 propose a new method 提出一种新方法 a proposed bill 提案 propose a motion 提出动议 We propose a change (或 making a change 或 to make a change 或 that a change should be made). 我们建议作一点改变。 When she was very ill, her lawyer had proposed to her that she might like to make a will. 在她病重时,她的律师建议她不妨立一遗嘱。 2. 提(名),推荐 be proposed as a candidate 被提名为候选人 He proposed his new neighbour for club (membership). 他推荐他的新邻居加入俱乐部。 3. 提议祝(酒);提议为…干杯 propose a toast to the bride 提议为新娘干杯 propose sb.'s health 提议为某人的健康干杯 4. 打算,计划 He proposes an early holiday in the spring. 他想提早在春天休假。 We propose leaving (或 to leave) at noon. 我们打算在中午离开。 a proposed trip to Africa 拟议中的非洲之行 5. (常指男子)求(婚) Did he propose marriage to you? 他向你求婚了吗? ❷ vi. 1. 提出建议;作出计划 2. 求婚 He proposed to her on bended knee. 他跪着向她求婚。 Perhaps neither of them will propose for her. 也许他们当中谁也不会向她求婚。 3. 〈废〉进行会谈(或讨论) [< OFr proposer < L prōpōnere to display <PRO-¹ + pōnere to place] phr. Man proposes, God disposes. 见 man¹ |