释义 |
pro·por·tion /prəʊˈpɔːʃən/ n. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 比例,比 the proportion of men to women 男女的比例 the proportion of imports to exports 进口与出口的比例 the proportion of births to the population 人口出生率 The proportion of women in the total work force has risen. 在劳动力总数中,妇女所占比例已经上升。 2. 均衡,调和,相称 a sculpture of excellent proportion 比例非常匀称的雕像 a room of good proportions 各方面都很协调的房间 The painting lacks proportion. 这幅画比例失调。 His success bore no proportion to his abilities. 他的成就与他的才能不相称。 3. [proportions] 面积;容积;体积;大小;程度;范围 The proportions of the room allowed us to put in a grand piano. 这房间的面积可以让我们放进一架大钢琴。 a building of magnificent proportions 宏伟的建筑物 He helped Philip to a gin and tonic of giant proportions. 他给菲利普斟了一大杯金汤力。 a mistake of major proportions 重大错误 reduce the problem to manageable proportions 把问题缩小到可控制的范围 4. 部分;份儿 A: What proportion of your wages do you spend on rent? B: About a quarter. 甲:你的工资有多少要花在房租上? 乙:大约四分之一。 There is a high proportion of sugar in this cereal. 这种谷物含糖量高。 You have not done your proportion of the work. 你的那份工作还未完成。 5. 【数】比例;比例法
II vt. 使成比例,使均衡,使协调,使相称 proportion the expenditure to the income 量入为出 The punishment was proportioned to the crime. 罪罚相当。 [< L prōportiō < prō portione for (its, his, one's) portion] phr. a sense of proportion 区别轻重缓急的能力;分寸感;主次观念 in proportion 1. 相应地 Price will be raised in proportion. 价格将相应提高。2. 恰如其分地;协调地 When one is angry one often does not see things in proportion. 人发怒时看问题就会带偏见。All is in admirable proportion. 一切都非常匀称协调。in proportion as 〈罕〉根据;取决于 (= according as) in proportion to (或 with) 1. 与…成比例,与…相称;按照 The size of the furniture should be in proportion to the size of the room. 家具大小应与房间大小相称。payment in proportion to work done, not in proportion to the time taken to do it 按工作量而不是按工作时间付给的报酬 2. 与…相比 Her legs are quite long in proportion to the rest of her body. 她的腿比起身体其余部分来是长了点儿。in the proportion of 按…的比例 The paint should be mixed in the proportion of one part of paint to two parts of water. 涂料应该按一份涂料两份水的比例调合。out of proportion (to) (与…)不成比例, (与…)不相称; (对…来说)过分 The fine was out of all proportion to the seriousness of the offence. 罚金与所犯过失的严重性完全不相称。(指罚金过重) His story was exaggerated out of proportion. 他的故事夸张得离谱了。Don't get things out of proportion. 别把事情弄得(或想得)过分了。He knew that the situation was all out of proportion now, but he couldn't help it. 他知道局面已不可收拾,但也爱莫能助。 |