释义 |
pro·fuse /prəʊˈfjuːs/ a. 1. 极其丰富的,充沛的;过多的 be profuse in one's apologies 一再道歉 profuse concern for the children's welfare 对孩子们幸福的殷殷关注 make a profuse show of colourful flowers 展出大量色彩缤纷的花卉 discover a profuse variety of valuable minerals 发现大量各种各样的宝贵矿石 bring sb. out into a profuse sweat 使某人大汗淋漓 2. 〈古〉毫不吝惜的,十分慷慨的;挥霍的,浪费的 a profuse spender 大手大脚花钱的人 be profuse of one's money 乱花钱 [< L profundere to pour forth; 见 FUSE, FOUND³] |