

单词 prick
释义 prick /prɪk/ n. | vt. | vi. | a. | phr.
I n.
1. 一刺,一戳,一扎
The boy burst the balloon with a prick of the needle. 男孩用针一戳,气球便破了。
2. 戳出的孔(或记号);刺痕;刺孔;刺点
There were pricks at the top of the papers where they had been pinned together. 这些文件的顶部用针别过的地方有小孔。
3. 刺痛;悔恨,内疚
You'll feel a slight prick in your arm. 你的手臂上将有一种轻微的刺痛感。
5. 尖器;尖头武器;(赶牛等用的)刺棒;刺棒的尖端
6. 阴茎
7. 讨厌鬼;卑鄙的人;蠢货
an old prick 老无赖
8. (野兔等)动物的足迹
9. 靶心
10. (动、植物的)突出尖形器官(或部位)(如动植物的刺)
11. (记谱法中的)

II vt.
1. 在…上刺孔;戳(洞);刺(穿);戳(穿);扎(穿)
A bee pricks the skin with its sting. 蜜蜂用螫针刺皮肤。
The piece of glass pricked his tyre and it burst. 玻璃片扎破了他的车胎,车胎爆裂了。
He pricked a hole in the paper. 他在纸上刺了个洞。
2. 用刺痕 (或刺孔、小圆点)标出;用刺痕选择(郡长、候选人等),圈选;用刺痕勾勒…的轮廓
I pricked the map with a pin to show our route. 我用大头针在地图上刺孔标出我们的路线。
The editor was pricked by Her Majesty to become the High Sheriff. 那位编辑被女王陛下圈选为郡长。
3. 刺痛;刺伤,使内心极度痛苦
I pricked my wrist on a rose tree. 我让玫瑰树刺痛了手腕。
Doubt began to prick him. 疑虑开始折磨着他。
Remorse pricked his conscience. 悔恨刺痛他的良心。
4. 使竖起;使直立
At the sound the dog pricked his ears. 那狗一听见这声音就竖起耳朵。
5. (用两脚规在海图上)点出(航向等);量取(距离等)
6. 驱策,驱使
He pricked the curiosity of us all. 他激起了我们大家的好奇心。
His conscience pricked him on to admit his crime to the police. 他的良心驱使他向警方认罪。
7. (为疏苗而)移植(幼苗)
8. (帆)
9. 使(酒等)发酸
10. 把蹄铁打入(马脚)的嫩肉,钉伤(马蹄)
11. 射伤(猎鸟)
12. 追踪(野兔)
13. (用刺棒)驱赶
1. 刺,戳
2. 引起刺痛;感到刺痛
The leaves of this plant prick if you touch them. 这植物的叶子碰上去会刺人。
My skin pricks when I get too hot. 我太热时皮肤有刺痛感。
His conscience didn't even prick at the deception. 如此行骗,他的良心甚至无丝毫的不安。
3. (耳朵等)竖起;耸立
a steeple pricking toward the sky 高耸入云的尖塔
4. 驰骋;(用踢马刺)策马前进
The knight was pricking on the plain. 骑士在旷野中驰骋。
5. 以点状出现
She was so grateful that the tears pricked. 她感激得泪珠儿滚滚。
6. (酒等)发酸

III a.
[< OE prica point, puncture; 与 D prik, Icel prik short stick, Swed prick point, stick 有关]
phr. a spare prick at a wedding 英俚多余的人
kick against the pricks 以卵击石
In appealing the case again, you will just be kicking against the pricks. 你再对案件提出上诉,只能是螳臂挡车。
prick a (或 the) bladder (或 bubble) 拆穿西洋景
prick for a (soft) plank 见 plank
prick in (为疏苗而)移植(幼苗)
prick near 与…不相上下
prick off (或 out)1. = prick in
2. 用刺痕(或刺孔、小圆点)标出
The embroiderer pricked out the pattern on to the cloth. 绣花者用刺痕把图案刺到布上。
3. 挑选出,圈选
4. (在海图上)点出,划出(船)的位置(或航向等)
prick a ship off 在海图上点出船位
5. 以点状出现
By two o'clock a few stars had pricked out. 两点钟时,已有几颗星星出现在天空中。
Sweat pricked out on his face. 他脸上渗出了汗珠。
prick up 1. 竖起
The spires of churches prick up through the greenery. 教堂的尖顶耸立在绿树丛中。
His voice pricked up in surprise. 他惊讶得连嗓音都变尖了。
2. 用两脚规绘制…的海图
prick up a ship's course 把船的航向绘入海图
3. (风)加剧
4. (用泥灰等)粗涂,打底子
prick up oneself 炫耀自己;打扮自己
prick up the (或 one's) ears 见 ear¹




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