

单词 beef
释义 beef /biːf/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr.
I n.
1. 牛肉
beef bacon 咸熏牛肋肉
beef extract 牛肉浓汁(作汤料或调味用)
2. ([复] beeves /biːvz/ beef(s)) 菜牛
quality Texas beeves 良种得克萨斯肉用牛
The cattleman drove the beeves into the corral. 牧人把牛群赶进畜栏。
a herd of beef 一群牛
I tried raising beef in my backyard. 我试着在后院养牛。
3. ([复] beeves /biːvz/ beefs) 屠宰好的牛胴体
beeves hanging in the slaughterhouse 屠宰场里挂着的剖洗好的牛胴体
4. (人的)肌肉;体重;气力;努力;(机器的)力量
He's got plenty of beef. 他肌肉发达。
Run all the way, my lassie, it'll take some of the beef off you. 一路跑着去吧,我的小姐,这可以给你减掉些体重哩。
We were paddling our canoe and putting all the beef we could behind it. 我们拼命划着独木舟,把吃奶的力气都使出来了。
They are putting beef into the campaign. 他们在卖力地开展竞选活动。
an engine with added beef 增大了马力的引擎
5. 美俚大胖子;大个子
6. ([复] beefs) 美口牢骚;申诉,告发;抱怨(或控告)的缘由
He'll listen to anybody's beef against the President. 任何人对总统发表不满意见,他都愿倾听。
What's the beef? 抱怨的根据(或指控的罪名)是什么?
If the guy complains, I'll find out whether he has a legitimate beef. 如果那人发牢骚,我就要弄明白他的抱怨是不是有道理。
7. 争论(点),争吵;殴斗
What started the beef? 争吵(或殴斗)是什么引起的?
8. 实质性内容
9. 美俚账单
10. 美俚惹人爱的漂亮姑娘

II vi.

1. 抱怨,发牢骚;找岔子;反对
Are you still beefing about that? 你还在为那事抱怨吗?
The hospital beefed when the city announced plans. 市政当局公布计划时,医院的工作人员愤愤不平。
2. 申诉,告发
What if the mark beefs and goes to the police? 假如受害对象向警方告发怎么办?
3. 争论,争吵
4. 出错
5. 闲逛,浪费时间
1. (菜牛);宰(菜牛)
2. 美俚击倒
[<OFr boef<L bōs ox]
phr. beef it 狼吞虎咽
beef to the heel(s) (男子)高大健壮;(女子)身段优美
beef up 1. 增加,增大;加强;充实
beef up benefits to retired workers 增加退休工人的津贴
The President has beefed up his staff. 总统加强了他的工作班子。
beefed up security 强化了的保安措施
He beefed up his speech with more facts. 他举出更多的实例来充实他的演说。
2. 美俚蓄意屠杀
be in sb.'s beef 以剑戳某人
More beef! 加油干!
put on beef 长膘;增加体重




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