

单词 press¹
释义 press¹ /pres/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I vt.
1. 按,挤,压,推,顶;以…按(或挤、压、推等)
press (the button to ring) the bell(电钮打)
press off the ash into the ashtray 把烟灰摁入烟灰缸
The shoe is pressing my toe. 这只鞋子挤脚。
press a piece of paper under (或 with) a stone 用石块把一张纸压住
The grass has been pressed down in places where people were lying. 人们躺过地方的草给压倒了。
The children pressed snow hard to make snowballs. 孩子们用力把雪捏成雪球。
press the trigger of a gun 按枪的扳机
Too many people were pressed in the room. 房间里人挤得太多了。
press one's hand against the door 用手推门
2. 挤压;挤取,榨取
press oranges to get juice (或 press juice from oranges) 挤取橘子的汁
press grapes to make wine 榨葡萄制酒
This machine presses the oil out of peanuts (presses vegetables into juice). 这台机器榨花生油(把蔬菜榨成汁)
3. 挤出(路)
He pressed his way through the crowd. 他从人群中挤了过去。
4. 压平;熨平
The girl pressed the flower between the pages of a book. 女孩把花压在书页中间。
She always presses her skirt (with an electric iron) before wearing it. 穿之前她总要(用电熨斗)把裙子熨平。
5. 把…压(或捏)成型;压制
press the clay into the figure of a horse 把黏土捏成一匹马
press a phonograph record 压制唱片
press steel 压制钢材
6. 使紧贴;(表示亲热或鼓励)紧抱,紧握
The child pressed his face against the shop window. 孩子把脸紧贴在商店橱窗上。
She pressed her palms together. 她把手掌紧紧合在一起。
His lips were pressed tightly together. 他紧抿双唇。
He pressed himself to the ground. 他把身子紧贴在地上。
She pressed the child to her heart. 她把孩子搂在怀里。
He pressed my hand and told me he must go. 他按一按我的手,对我说他得走了。
7. 驱赶;推动
The police tried hard to press the crowd back. 警察拼命把人群往后赶。
8. 竭力推行;执行
He was looking for a chance to press his economic programmes. 他正在找机会推行他的经济方案。
The scheme was pressed through. 这项计划被强行实施。
9. 竭力要求;坚持;强调
press a charge against sb. 对某人起诉
press a point 坚持强调一点
press one's claim to sth. 坚持对某物的权利要求
press an issue 抓住一个问题不放
press one's advantage 抓住有利机会充分利用
10. 催促;敦促,竭力劝说
press sb. for an answer 催某人答复
He pressed his horse to go faster. 他策马疾驰。
He pressed her to enter the competition. 他力谏她去参加竞赛。
11. 催逼,逼迫
Don't press him to drink. 别强迫他喝酒。
press sb. for payment of a debt 逼某人还债
I don't want to press you, but I must get my money back soon. 我不想逼你,但我要你快些把钱还给我。
press sb. into doing sth. 强迫某人做某事
12. 硬给;把…强加(于)
13. 进逼;进攻
press the enemy hard 步步向敌人进逼
press a town on all sides 从四面攻城
press sb. with questions 连珠炮似地逼问某人
14. 使感到负担沉重;使紧迫;使窘迫
a world pressed by mushrooming populations 由于人口暴增而负担沉重的世界
Poverty pressed them hard. 贫穷逼得他们走投无路。
15. (举重中)推举
press 200 pounds 推举200磅
16. 生搬硬套(或牵强附会)地使用(词语、比喻等)
17. 挤满
18. 压迫
1. 按,挤,压,推,顶
The shoe presses (on my toe). 这只鞋子挤脚。
I felt something hard pressing against my side. 我觉得有什么硬东西顶着我的腰侧。
2. 挤拢,拥挤
The crowd pressed all around. 人群到处挤来挤去。
The children pressed close to their mother. 孩子们紧紧挤在母亲身边。
Newspaper reporters pressed round (或 about) the minister. 报社记者把部长团团围住。
3. 挤着走;奋力前进
Pedestrians press along the pavements. 行人们在人行道上熙熙攘攘地走去。
press through a door 挤过一扇门
The army pressed to reach the river by dawn. 部队强行军,要在拂晓前到达河边。
4. 熨;(衣服等)被压平;被熨平
The fabric presses well. 这种织物很容易熨。
5. 竭力推行;竭力要求
press for a peaceful solution 竭力主张和平解决
6. 催促;催逼
press for an answer 催答复
press for rent 逼租
7. 带来沉重负担;造成紧迫;造成窘迫
8. 成为紧迫,成为紧急
Time presses. 时间紧迫。
The matter does not press. 事情并不紧急。
9. 紧逼,做紧逼动作;高尔夫长挥击球过猛

II n.
1. 按,挤,压,推,顶
a press of a button 按电钮
He finished with a light press of the earth over the newly planted seed. 他最后在新播下的种子上轻轻压了压土。
2. 压力;驱赶;推动
the press of one's duties 职责的压力
3. 压平;熨平;(衣服熨烫后的)平整(或挺括)状态;烫出的折痕
give one's shirt a press 把衬衫烫一烫
His suit was out of press. 他的西装不挺括了。
The fabric keeps its press. 这种织品始终保持挺括。
There was no press left in his pants. 他裤子上烫出的折痕消失了。
4. 压平器;熨烫机;压力机,压床(或冲床),压榨机;冲压(或压榨等)车间(或工厂)
a tie press 领带熨烫机
a steel press 轧钢机
5. 夹具(如书夹、球拍夹、滑橇夹等)(中世纪的)夹刑刑具
I keep my tennis racket in a press to stop it from getting out of shape. 我把网球拍放在球拍夹里以防变形。
6. 印刷;印刷术;印刷机;印刷机构,出版机构;[总称]印刷品,出版物
Since then the presses have scarcely stopped running. 自此之后,印刷机几乎便一直不曾停过。
have a report ready for the press 有一份报告准备付印
Oxford University Press 牛津大学出版社
the Associated Press 美联社
7. [the press] [总称]报刊;报业,新闻业;报界,新闻界;记者们
press comment 报刊评论
a press digest 报刊文摘
advertise in the press 在报刊上登广告
meet the press 同新闻界见面
members of the press 新闻界人士
The press is (或 are) always interested in the private lives of famous people. 新闻界对于知名人士的私生活总是很感兴趣。
According to him, the press has three functions: to inform, to influence, and to entertain. 在他看来,新闻工作有3项职能:传递信息、施加影响和提供娱乐。
The press are in the outer office, waiting for a statement. 记者们在办公室外间等着声明的发表。
8. 新闻舆论,报刊评论
get (或 have, receive) a good (bad 或 poor) press 受到新闻舆论的好评(苛评)
9. 拥挤;蜂拥
the press of memories into one's mind 涌上心头的种种回忆
10. 人群;厮杀混战的士兵
a slow-moving press of men and women 一群缓缓而行的男男女女
11. 紧迫,紧急;匆忙
There is no press about answering my letter. 不必急着回我的信。
In the press of modern life, it is difficult to get even an hour's quiet. 现代生活匆匆忙忙,连1小时的宁静也很难得。
12. 主方(壁橱式的)衣柜,书柜
13. (举重的)推举;(体操动作)用力慢起;紧逼(动作)
14. 压力(美国心理学家 Henry Murray 的人格理论用语,指个人行为的环境决定因素)
[< OFr presser < L pressāre < premere to press¹ < IE per- to strike]
phr. at (the) press 印刷中(的)
be (hard)pressed 处境窘迫,处境为难
I am (hard) pressed for time today. 我今天时间非常紧张。
The town is hard pressed for hotel space. 这个城市旅馆床位很紧。
He's hard pressed financially (或 pressed for money).他手头十分拮据。
He was hard pressed with toil and worry. 他心力交瘁。
Such a man will be hard pressed to produce something of value. 这样的人很难创造出什么有价值的东西。
bring to (the) press 把…付印,使开印;把…出版(或发表)
bring a book to press 把一本书拿去出版
come to (the) press = go to (the) press
go to (the) press 付印,开印;出版,发表
The newspaper goes to press at midnight. 报纸在半夜开印。
The magazine will soon go to press. 这本杂志很快就要付印(或出版)
in (the) press = at (the) press
off the press 刚印好(的)
press ahead 奋进,猛进;(不顾困难地)继续进行
press ahead with expansion 不顾一切地继续扩张
press ahead with talks 坚持谈判
press (the) flesh 见 flesh
press forward 1. (使)挤向前,(使)拥向前
press sb. forward 推某人上前
The fans pressed forward to see the famous actor. 追星者们挤上前去看那位名演员。
2. 奋力继续
The officer ordered the soldiers to press their advance forward. 军官命令士兵们继续向前强行军。
3. = press ahead
press home 竭力使人理解(或接受)
The speaker pressed home his point, and his opponent admitted that he had been wrong. 演讲人终于阐明了自己的观点,对手承认自己错了。
press in 渐渐进逼;围拢
Night was already pressing in when we reached the village. 我们到达村庄时天色已经黑了下来。
press of canvas ( 或 sail) 满帆
The yachts sped along the course under their press of canvas. 游艇张着满帆沿航道全速前进。
press on 1. = press ahead
2. 使感到负担沉重;使紧迫;使窘迫
Steadily rising prices are pressing most heavily on the poor. 不断上升的物价压得穷人喘不过气来。
His new responsibilities are pressing (down) on him. 他新担任的职务压得他紧张不堪。
3. 硬给;把…强加于
She pressed the money on him. 她硬要他把钱收下。
press one's views on sb. 强迫某人接受自己的观点
press one's claim on sb. for 强对某人提出…的权利要求
press the button 见 button
press towards 为了…而坚持,坚决争取
All our efforts are pressing towards a reorganization of the prison system. 我们正千方百计地争取改革监狱体制。
press upon 使感到负担沉重;使紧迫;使窘迫
Care pressed upon his mind. 他忧心忡忡。




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